VOTE for your favourite Multiplayer game of 2012
Multiplayer certainly isn't dead! There have been stellar experiences for the gamer with friends this year, whether it's going toe to toe in the living-room or battling someone across many oceans. The Wii U has started to cement itself as the new multiplayer machine with New Super Mario Bros. U and Nintendo Land catering for an audience of all ages, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 remaining the king of first-person shooter and Tekken Tag Tournament 2 duking it out across the globe.
The 3DS also opened doors for more co-operative play in the underrated multiplayer feature in Resident Evil Revelations and Heroes of Ruin, whilst pitting angels against one another in Kid Icarus: Uprising.
So now it's your turn to have your say! Vote in our poll and be sure to share your thoughts below.
Voting for this poll closes midnight Thursday 27th December