Level-5 Bites Back Against SEGA Legal Claims

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.12.2012 1

Level-5 Bites Back Against SEGA Legal Claims on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Level-5 have issued a statement related to the ongoing dispute with SEGA over touch/stylus controls for characters on the DS.

Earlier this week the gaming community was sent into a slight shock with two Japanese studios engaging in legal proceedings. SEGA is suing Level-5, claiming damages over the stylus movement for characters in the popular Inazuma Eleven series.

If SEGA were to win, Level-5 may have to stop selling the football simulator and be forced to pay up.

Today Level-5 clarified their thoughts on the matter: "Inazuma Eleven does not violate Sega's patents, ss a result of examining these discrepancies. We've concluded that there is no patent violation."

The studio also feel that if SEGA were to win on the patent, that it would "restrict choices in gaming from here on out as well as hindering the growth of the game industry".

Touch control for characters using a stylus is certainly not a new thing by any means and is employed in a fair few DS/3DS and mobile titles, plus even touched upon in Nintendo Land.

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Sega must be desperate for them to be this shit.

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