SEGA Sues Level-5 For Inazuma Eleven

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.12.2012 32

SEGA Sues Level-5 For Inazuma Eleven on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It's an all out war between two Japanese studios this week with SEGA filing a lawsuit against Level-5.

The makers of Sonic the Hedgehog, SEGA, claim that the folk behind Inazuma Eleven are infringing on a control patent on the Nintendo DS, where players move characters using a finger or stylus on the touch screen.

The report doesn't divulge what the specifics of the case are and why it differs from any other Nintendo DS or tablet game where players are controlled by touch. Likewise, the game(s) that SEGA have developed that use these mechanics have yet to become clear, but it's suggested that Football Manager could be a likely candidate.

If SEGA win the case, Level-5 maybe asked to stop the sale of the popular and highly lucrative Inazuma Eleven - which includes eight games - and ordered to pay ¥900 million ($11 million/£6.7 milion) in damages.

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What?  How stupid.  Every time SEGA takes a step forward they take two steps back.

Talk about shooting yourself in the foot...

Our member of the week

and they waited all these years since the first Inazuma to sue Level 5? Wait till a manga, an anime series and a shitload of games have been released and have made big bucks??

That's sad Sega... really sad... How about you went back to actually making games??? Great games like you used to...

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

SEGA's hitting new lows with each passing year, and this year their lows are probably due to financial desperation - they don't even have the money to develop proper games and their Digital 'business' is hardly impressive. They need to realize they can't emulate the success of Farmville or Angry Birds overnight when there are billions of other devs trying at the same time.

This move shocked me honestly, not only because SEGA waited so long to do this but also because there's no way the Inazuma series will end, not to mention the case is ridiculous. SEGA's patent was never even fulfilled.
SEGA's patent:

Image for

Inazuma 'ripping off' said patent:

Image for

..Yep, ok. Sure thing SEGA.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

This is utterly ridiculous. I used to love SEGA, but now they seem to be trying to get money out of shitty moves like this one. You should feel ashamed of yourselves, SEGA. Just because you practically killed some of your franchises, doesn't mean you have to go and kill theirs!

Heck, look at Rhythm Thief. A game by SEGA, which uses very similar exploration to the Professor Layton series. Did Level-5 try to sue you for that? No.

/Rant over.

Hey I have an idea to solve this dilemma. Hold on. Just need to patent it first. Im gon be rich bitches!!!!!!!!!

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

God said:
Hey I have an idea to solve this dilemma. Hold on. Just need to patent it first. Im gon be rich bitches!!!!!!!!!
I'm going to patent breathing, so every time someone breathes, they must pay me £1000. I'm going to be a billionaire in a second.

sorry i already patented that, but I dont charge that kind of rediculous prices tho otherwise my patent would never have been granted. Just pay me on Sunday and we be coo'

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

that last comment blew


dont patent that ;-Smilie

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

No double posting, please and thank you.

Level 5 have issued a response of sorts (from Kotaku);

"Inazuma Eleven does not violate Sega's patents," a new statement by Level-5 reads.Level-5's argument is based around the fact that the first Inazuma Eleven game was released in August 2008, which, according to Level-5, is before Sega received its first patent in 2009. The second patent was granted in 2011. Level-5 noted that there were games that used touch pen controls before Sega filed for these patents."As a result of examining these discrepancies," Level-5 stated, "we've concluded that there is no patent violation."Moreover, Level-5 pointed out that controlling characters via touch pen has spread throughout gaming and has become a fundamental mechanic."While Inazuma Eleven does not violate Sega's patent, we do recognize that Sega's lawsuit could restrict choices in gaming from here on out as well as hindering the growth of the game industry."Level-5 said the lawsuit makes the company "uncomfortable", and it plans to fight it in court.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

They'd be better off being friends. Being nice to each other. Sharing and giving back for all they were blessed with. Be thankful for the things achieved and glad to see others have a chance in the spotlight. Japanese adults can be very small, but shouldn't act like children. Have we learned nothing from the great Hollywood movies? Some teachers in school?

And thanks for the moderation Superlink and being polite. Your doing a good job.

Sometimes all this greed...the fixation on owning things, money...makes a man/woman sad, really. I wish, and hope people come to their senses. stop fighting. meh.
Is it useless?
I don't think so... :-/

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

I get the feeling sega are about to go under, if nintendo were smart they'd look into buying them out. They have a lot of IPs that they really haven't made the most of.

JayUK said:
I get the feeling sega are about to go under, if nintendo were smart they'd look into buying them out. They have a lot of IPs that they really haven't made the most of.

I think a lot of companies should be looking to buy them out, the problem is Sammy.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

JayUK said:
I get the feeling sega are about to go under, if nintendo were smart they'd look into buying them out. They have a lot of IPs that they really haven't made the most of.

*Googles "SEGA IP's"*

Skies of Arcadia, Yakuza and Shinobi.  The rest are overwhored or just plain crap

IkeFE said:
*Googles "SEGA IP's"*

Skies of Arcadia, Yakuza and Shinobi.  The rest are overwhored or just plain crap

You keep those dirty words away from Shenmue.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

If there's one thing SEGA is doing right, it's Yakuza.

IkeFE said:
JayUK said:
I get the feeling sega are about to go under, if nintendo were smart they'd look into buying them out. They have a lot of IPs that they really haven't made the most of.

*Googles "SEGA IP's"*

Skies of Arcadia, Yakuza and Shinobi.  The rest are overwhored or just plain crap

Shenmue, Gunstar Heroes, Streets of Rage, Madworld, Phantasy Star, House of the Dead, Sonic, panzer dragoon, jetset radio, golden axe, total war series, nights and valkyria chronicles say hi

( Edited 17.12.2012 22:42 by JayUK )

And Project Diva ffs!

Azuardo said:
And Project Diva ffs!

what's that lol

JayUK said:
Azuardo said:
And Project Diva ffs!

what's that lol

Hatsune Miku: Project Diva. Rhythm game series, big (and only) in Japan.

One of my faves -

Azuardo said:
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva. Rhythm game series, big (and only) in Japan.

One of my faves -

Ooh you've played it? I've always wondered if it was good (I'm guessing you imported it)

Pretty much SEGA's biggest moneymaker right now too.

( Edited 17.12.2012 23:08 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

ISO'd it for PSP. Not as if I was ever gonna buy it, but I certainly wouldn't mind importing the upcoming PS3 game now that I've played it!

I got addicted to it from the off. Lots of fun, especially if you're into rhythm games or J-Pop, although there's a nice variety of music in there. That example of trance is my kinda thing in recent times, so I got a lot of enjoyment out of it and really wanna try more of the series now.

There's been a lot of active fan demand for Project Diva localisations lately so hopefully if SEGA ever get enough money they'll consider getting the Miku game license over here and letting some Western folk buy the game.

I do admit I liked the look of the PS3 and Vita versions, maybe I'll import one of them or try a PSP ISO.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I can hook you up. I have an English patch. Deffo worth a play.

It's only text that needs translating. They should release the PS3 one here to test the waters. I doubt it, but it would be great.

( Edited 13.01.2013 17:29 by Azuardo )

JayUK said:
IkeFE said:
JayUK said:
I get the feeling sega are about to go under, if nintendo were smart they'd look into buying them out. They have a lot of IPs that they really haven't made the most of.

*Googles "SEGA IP's"*

Skies of Arcadia, Yakuza and Shinobi.  The rest are overwhored or just plain crap

Shenmue, Gunstar Heroes, Streets of Rage, Madworld, Phantasy Star, House of the Dead, Sonic, panzer dragoon, jetset radio, golden axe, total war series, nights and valkyria chronicles say hi

1)Hasn't had a game in the series in ages, 2)meh, 3)See No,1, 4)Dead because of awful sales, 5)Fair enough, 6)Overwhored/dead genre/crap, 7)..., 8)Never heard of it, 9)meh, 10)Fair enough(so horribly done by SEGA its hard to imagine it being worth playing again), 11)Overwhored, 12)meh and 13)Crap(yes I said crap)

IkeFE said:
1)Hasn't had a game in the series in ages, 2)meh, 3)See No,1, 4)Dead because of awful sales, 5)Fair enough, 6)Overwhored/dead genre/crap, 7)..., 8)Never heard of it, 9)meh, 10)Fair enough(so horribly done by SEGA its hard to imagine it being worth playing again), 11)Overwhored, 12)meh and 13)Crap(yes I said crap)

1 & 3: The same could be said of Kid Icarus and F-Zero. 
2: Its contra only better and treasure are more than capable of making another game.
4: Look up Anarchy Reigns franchise is still kicking and its out next month.
6: Overkill selling 800k units on wii suggest its not quite dead, we haven't had a house of the dead game with online leaderboards yet either, sin and punishment 2's replay value was extended 10 fold by just that element. Overkill also has a 78 on metacritic so its obviously not crap.
7. Imagine what nintendo could do with Sonic
8. Educate yourself.
9. Jetset radio future is great
11. Set it in the three kingdoms era and give Koei a wake up call
12. Just needs a solid push without any gimmicks
13. Boooo its far from crap 

( Edited 18.12.2012 02:03 by Azuardo )

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