N64 Classic 1080° Snowboarding is This Weeks' Club Nintendo Reward

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.12.2012 3

N64 Classic 1080° Snowboarding is This Weeks

This week's Club Nintendo reward the N64 fan-favourite, 1080° Snowboarding, now available to download on the Wii Virtual Console.

The 1998 classic has a legion of fans ready to take to the slopes once again and Nintendo want to add a little retro feeling to the Christmas chill by offering the game as a reward. 1080° Snowboarding is regarded as one of the best sports titles released on the Nintendo 64, with only a single sequel released since.

From today until January 6th 2013 members can purchase a download ticket for the Virtual Console edition (on Wii) for 150 coins.

Box art for 1080° Snowboarding








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I'm guessing this deal is only for US Wiis Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
Our member of the week

Can you believe I have the cart, and have yet to start playing it?? I was always afraid I would break the control stick with this game, trying to pull off the stunts. Now, however, with a Hori MiniPad at my disposal, I should probably give it a try... But I have so many games left to play, already XD.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
Can you believe I have the cart, and have yet to start playing it?? I was always afraid I would break the control stick with this game, trying to pull off the stunts. Now, however, with a Hori MiniPad at my disposal, I should probably give it a try... But I have so many games left to play, already XD.

It's really good! Granted it's aged, but the tracks are really fun and it's got some cool music.

Back in the day, I preferred it to SSX :')

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