Square Enix Drums Up Theatrhythm Teaser Website

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.12.2012 5

Square Enix Drums Up Theatrhythm Teaser Website on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Square Enix have released a teaser website for a potential new entry in the Theatrhythm franchise.

The increasingly popular concept, which first used popular RPG franchise Final Fantasy as a guinea pig, is set to return in some form as teased by the Japanese studio. It's uncertain whether this page refers to a sequel or perhaps a port to other devices like mobiles or download networks.

The continuation of Theatrhythm as a brand could also revolve around different Square Enix franchises instead of just Final Fantasy - perhaps Kingdom Hearts or Dragon Quest as equally strong contenders, for example.

The original game, a 3DS exclusive, performed exceptionally well with fans and critics alike, and received a fab 9/10 in our review.

Box art for Theatrhythm Final Fantasy



Square Enix





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For iOS and Android.

Azuardo said:
For iOS and Android.
Confirmed? Or just a guess because of the recent TWEWY teaser site? Smilie

Speculating, since it seems most likely. Would love a sequel with X-2, XIII-2, XIV and spin-off music, but can't see a retail release of that happening, nor being as popular. The fact the title says "Final Fantasy" suggests it's not a new series such as Kingdom Hearts or Chrono, but I'd like to be proven wrong. Weighing it all up, just seems most likely for an iOS release, or something similar. Especially given SE's recent ports to iOS and Android.

This is Square Enix, so it can't be anything other than a port to iOS/Android. After the whole TWEWY thing, I'm not getting my hopes up when I see any teaser website from them ever again.

( Edited 11.12.2012 09:01 by SirLink )

Square-Enix must really hate people who buy their games, first they tease everyone with the prospect of a TWEWY sequel, now they decide 3DS owners don't get access to two of the most memorable songs in the FF series. Fuck You Square-Enix.

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