Lovefilm Now on Nintendo Wii but Wii U Owners to Wait

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.12.2012 12

Lovefilm Now on Nintendo Wii but Wii U Owners to Wait on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Wii version of LoveFilm has gone live this week for those who want to view streaming content on Nintendo's older console.

The free app, now available on the original Wii's digital store, grants players access to thousands of films, TV shows and more - with the Wii U edition set to launch shortly. It's free to run, but a monthly fee is required to watch and access the provider's growing libary.

Rival media outlet Netflix is already available on the Wii U, via an update, with an array of different content to access via subscription - including HD videos if connected to the TV via HDMI cable, and also transfer the picture onto the GamePad for a more personal view.

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really curious about how this can possibly work at all. I used youtube on my wiiback was atrocious. Videos eiher dint load or took incrdpedibly long to stream. did the dinoasaur release some ,ind of jpdate to fix streamin on wii?

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God said:
really curious about how this can possibly work at all. I used youtube on my wiiback was atrocious. Videos eiher dint load or took incrdpedibly long to stream. did the dinoasaur release some ,ind of jpdate to fix streamin on wii?

It's probably because you were streaming YouTube via the web browser.

Wii streams Netflix, Hulu Plus, and Nintendo Channel videos perfectly fine.

oh right, i guess that would have been it, thanks. I did't know there were other ways. Was there a yotube channel of sorts?

but why wouldnt youtube work via browser? thats how I use it on my phone as well. Couldnt have been my internet connection...was that because the browser was opera or something? never seen that one on any pc i have been on either

kinda weird tho

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If it's anything like Netflix on Wii U, stick to using your iPads. 

Desaturated image compared to Netflixing on the PS3, 360, current Apple TV 1080P, iPad mini, iPad 3rd gen, and iPhone.

Linkyshinks said:
If it's anything like Netflix on Wii U, stick to using your iPads. 

Desaturated image compared to Netflixing on the PS3, 360, current Apple TV 1080P, iPad mini, iPad 3rd gen, and iPhone.

I was watching Netflix on my Wii U a few nights ago, looked just as good as it does on my 360.

thats strange, after 5 years of technoligical improvement it still looks the same? are you sure?

( Edited 07.12.2012 17:54 by God )

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

Lovefilm is now live for Wii U. Smilie

Mush said:
Linkyshinks said:
If it's anything like Netflix on Wii U, stick to using your iPads. 

Desaturated image compared to Netflixing on the PS3, 360, current Apple TV 1080P, iPad mini, iPad 3rd gen, and iPhone.

I was watching Netflix on my Wii U a few nights ago, looked just as good as it does on my 360.

Agreed. Netflix looks just as sharp on my Wii U as it does my other HD streaming devices. Definitely better than iPhone and other mobile devices.

Sonic_13 said:
Agreed. Netflix looks just as sharp on my Wii U as it does my other HD streaming devices. Definitely better than iPhone and other mobile devices.

It also looks fantastic on the GamePad! Smilie

God said:
thats strange, after 5 years of technoligical improvement it still looks the same? are you sure?

What looks the same?
As I'm sure you are well aware the Wii can't stream the HD videos that Wii U can, so no, they don't look the same at all.

wasn't talking to you there mate. mush...

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

just didn't quote the guy, that's all. But my comment should probs make sense to you now you know i was replying to mush. Right? Let's try to stay on topic here. ;-Smilie

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

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