Fan Remakes Original Pokémon in First Person 2D/3D

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.12.2012 5

Fan Remakes Original Pokémon in First Person 2D/3D on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Fans of the original Pokémon first and second generations in Red/Blue and Gold/Silver will have fond memories wandering about in a pixellated yet beautiful world full of strong, quirky and adorable Pokémon to catch and do battle with.

Not quite content with the 3D effects in the latest installments, game designer and Pokémon fan Nils Drescher put together a first-person Pokémon game that uses the classic sprites as 3D models. You can explore the town, venture into a forest and into familiar buildings so far with more features added with each release. For more details and to download visit the Pokémon 3D project page.


What do you think of the idea - would you like to see a fully fleshed out Pokémon game in 3D in first person?

Box art for Pokémon Red and Blue

Game Freak




Turn Based RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (19 Votes)

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This is pretty fucking awesome, though at the same time it demonstrated how fucking hard these games would be like this. Jesus. I would get lost every 2 seconds.

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Very cool project. I'll have to get this when it's closer to being finished/shut down by Nintendo.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18
toddblend (guest) 06.12.2012#3

this is failed with out a map and a camera option!

Cool, Doom meets Pokemon feel about it lol

( Edited 10.12.2012 12:57 by Powdered Water )

How the hell do I explore and catch Pokemon with a cardboard box on my head?...

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