This is why Paper Mario Ditched RPG in Favour of Stickers

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.11.2012 11

This is why Paper Mario Ditched RPG in Favour of Stickers on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Curious as to why the Paper Mario on 3DS takes a slightly different approach to past entries with the toned down RPG elements? Miyamoto is the answer.

In a new Iwata Asks session, the Nintendo president spoke to various members of the team on the latest entry - Paper Mario: Sticker Star - why it's fairly different to past iterations aside from the art style and the decision to involve stickers.

The main reason being was that Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto had a stronger influence/input this time round, wanting to "change the atmosphere a lot" by two main requirements:

  • "It's fine without a story, so do we really need one?"
  • "As much as possible, complete it with only characters from the Super Mario world."

Because of the transition to portable format, the team abandoned the more RPG/intense storyline format and instead focused on smaller chunks that "packed in lots of little episodes and ideas" for shorter play time.

Miyamoto's desire to prevent new characters meant that the team had to rely on "toad in various colours". This rather large restriction didn't phase them though, as "I could feel that I became one with Toad", with each having their own personality and scope.

Creatively, restraints aren't necessarily a bad thing. A lot of new attractive features come out of that.

From these restrictions came the realisation that stickers could shake up the traditional RPG format, so gone were experience points and level building in favour of "gathering stronger stickers".

I had actually been thinking for a long time that I wanted to get rid of the RPG experience points. In the Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland28 game, which Kudo-san and I worked on together, the player-character didn't develop at all. We adopted a system whereby they solved everything with money.

The game relies on objects you may not have encountered in the Super Mario World universe before - like a kettle of a Beckoning Cat statue - these were justified because of the use of stickers. Miyamoto took the bait, it seems and the team developed the idea further by creating ancient ruins that depicted more realistic/human like properties.

No, there were times when Miyamoto-san has really gotten angry at me! (laughs) Like about treatment of Bowser. But the Super Mario games have an orthodox lineage that Miyamoto-san thought up as its creator. So while Paper Mario, as part of that, must preserve certain things, I think there is a point to tackling new and unusual things

In related news, Paper Mario Sticker Star received a respectable 36/40 in the latest issue of Famitsu magazine from four reviewers (9/9/9/9).

For more details on Paper Mario: Sticker Star be sure to read the Iwata Asks session on the official website.

Box art for Paper Mario: Sticker Star

Intelligent Systems




Turn Based RPG



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Tbh, I don't think I'll miss the level up system too much when I eventually get this game. The main reason why I enjoyed all previous Paper Mario games was their humour, story and atmosphere you just don't get in the Mario platformers and as far as I've seen those things are still intact. The RPG elements were a nice diversion but nothing major. That's also the reason why I didn't have any problems with the approach Super Paper Mario took. The gameplay was different but everything else that made Paper Mario on the N64 and TTYD great was still there, stronger than ever.

This game looks great, it seems to take the same formula from the original Paper Mario, but replace the RPG elements with stickers. I didn't really play much of Super Paper Mario, couldn't quite get into it for some reason. :/

All I'm hoping for now, is that Nintendo will release Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door on the Wii U Virtual Console, as I never got to play that one before. Having the ability to play that on the GamePad wouldn't go a miss either!

( Edited 29.11.2012 10:48 by Mush )

Miyamoto's close-minded level of control over Mario games is getting really ridiculous, the Paper Mario series was always amazing, why is this one not? It's pretty obvious, Miyamoto.

It's an RPG, it's allowed to have a bloody story and the story for the previous games were fine, the characters were great, Bowser was great. I seriously hope Miyamoto steps down soon because his anally traditional game design is really hurting their games and Nintendo. I'm not even hyped for the next 3D Mario anymore because it's probably just going to be some shallow-ass experience like Mario 3D Land U.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

"It's fine without a story, so do we really need one?"

Oh, for fuck's sake.

The story  and characters made those games Smilie
Thousand Year Door and Superstar Saga especially were great. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Azuardo said:
"It's fine without a story, so do we really need one?"

Oh, for fuck's sake.

That was my reaction as soon as I opened this page and saw that quote too, keep this man away from RPGs.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Y'know, this Miyamoto character is really starting to get on my boobies,,,

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

I actually like the idea of taking away the level up system. Not making me grind and keeping the game moving along is great. But with no story to follow, it really takes the experience down a notch. Paper Mario has always had fun gameplay, but it is not engaging enough to carry itself with weak narrative. 

The main thing that irks me, and that I wish Miyamoto would have addressed here, is the lack of party characters. Recruiting new adventurers and summoning their help in battle as well as in dungeons was always one of my favorite parts of PM, along with the 'paper' techniques to reach new or hidden areas. 

I don't know if Miyamoto is the problem, but I think we will find out with the next Zelda and 3D Mario whether he needs to step down or not. 

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

He's fine with Mario as no/little story doesnt harm those games - they just need some radical gameplay ideas (something he can do when he isnt lazy like the "new" series)

As for Zelda, I think Eiji  is strong enough to fight him off.... <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Red XIII said:
I actually like the idea of taking away the level up system. Not making me grind and keeping the game moving along is great.

Wait until you try it...You'll quickly want the levelling-up system back. In Sticker Star, you have to run around finding loads of stickers instead of gaining experience from fights to get stronger.

I'll expand on this point in the review I just posted...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Levelless systems can work well if its done as a sort of "switchable inventory of abilities", I played a LEGO mmo (now canned) where it worked pretty well. You got stronger/better/faster by what you owned, basicly. Much like Zelda the only stat that improves is heart. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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