Earthbound Creator Thanks Fans in Recent Tweet

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.11.2012 7

Earthbound Creator Thanks Fans in Recent Tweet on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Shigesato Itoi, the man who created the Mother/Earthbound series recently tweeted about the franchise out of the blue.

Dedicated Earthbound enthusiasts picked up on Itoi's words which offer a heartfelt thanks for those who have encountered the series and played the popular RPG at somepoint.

All you people who play MOTHER, thank you. I really appreciate it. People of Starmen.Net too… thank you very much. I hear all sorts of enjoyable rumors. SENTIMENTAL

The sudden return to talking about the Mother/Earthbound series has left fans wondering whether it might be leading towards some form of announcement or other. Then again it could certainly just be a bout of reminiscing about the ol' days.

Known as Mother Zero in Japan, the original game never made a Western release, but its successor Mother 2 underwent localisation treatment as Earthbound in North America. Despite strong campaigns from fans to finally bring the trilogy of Mother titles to the West, the games still remain locked away in Japan.

Box art for EarthBound Beginnings
Also known as







Turn Based RPG



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I hope there's something nice in the works. I'd love just have all three games localized and released in America, let alone a whole new game. Earthbound is one of my favorite games. It just oozes character.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

I can't let my hopes get up. I know that nothing is going to happen. Earthbound is too tied up in copyright to ever escape the land of overpriced cartridges. Our only glimmer of hope is a remake/port of Mother 3, which would be wonderful, but would greatly sadden (or perhaps mislead EB fans). 

I just want to give Shigesato Itoi a big ole hug and tell him I love his game to death. 

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

Keep your eye on AckkStudios' upcoming unrevealed 3D RPG, which they have said is heavily influenced by Earthbound. We never got the 3D game it deserved, but this might just be the next best thing. Next year we'll see the first footage of it.

3D... Inspired by Earthbound? Sounds tough to pull off, but I'm curious.

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

Red XIII said:
3D... Inspired by Earthbound? Sounds tough to pull off, but I'm curious.
And they acknowledge that, which is why they mention they're just going to try their best. It's not going to be the true "Earthbound 3D" we never got, but the least they promise is it being inspired by Earthbound. Hopefully it'll turn out good.

Oh god, I can already hear the overworld tune in Mother 1. I love that melody and chord progression. It's genius, I wish I composed it.

Azuardo said:
Red XIII said:
3D... Inspired by Earthbound? Sounds tough to pull off, but I'm curious.
And they acknowledge that, which is why they mention they're just going to try their best. It's not going to be the true "Earthbound 3D" we never got, but the least they promise is it being inspired by Earthbound. Hopefully it'll turn out good.

Mother 3 was an N64 project for a while. 3D and everything.


TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

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