Dark Horse Confirms Limited Edition Hyrule Historia

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.11.2012 10

Dark Horse Confirms Limited Edition Hyrule Historia on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Dark Horse Books has confirmed recent retailer listings for a limited edition of the Hyrule Historia book due next year.

Only 4000 copies will be produced and whilst containing the same content as the standard version, it will have a faux-leather hardcover with gold gilded pages, going on sale for $69.99 on a slightly later date of February 12th 2013.

Hyrule Historia spans the entire history of the Legend of Zelda, including a foreword by series creator Shigeru Miyamoto, exclusive manga and concept art over 272 pages.

Regular or limited edition Hyrule Historia - which would you go for?

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Even if I was able to pre-order this from Amazon.de like I did for my normal edition, I see no point in paying more for this. I actually much prefer the green cover of the normal version!

So so so so so tempting. Come next year if I'm in a bit more money I'll definitely go limited edition!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Bit of a piss take for those that pre-ordered this well earlier this year. If anything, those that pre-ordered way back should have had an instant upgrade to the limited edition and produced enough for us. I'm grateful this is even being made (well, it is the 25th anniversary, I guess; this stuff should be made, really), but it's still annoying.

At least they're not evil enough to give the Limited Edition anything other than a worse cover. I would have cried if it had extra content or something like that.

Amlani (guest) 27.11.2012#5

It's the exact same book, this version is just designed for rich people who like to brag.

Good. If it's just the special cover then that's alright.

Yep - special cover with gold guilded pages. I'd skip lunch for 2 weeks for this un!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Think I'm gonna stick with the regular version too, I like Zelda but I like not spending money foolishly Smilie

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SuperLink said:
Think I'm gonna stick with the regular version too, I like Zelda but I like not spending money foolishly Smilie

Likewise, the fact that i am spending £16.63 on a book totally amazes me! Am i crazy for preferring the green one? 

Flynnie said:
SuperLink said:
Think I'm gonna stick with the regular version too, I like Zelda but I like not spending money foolishly Smilie

Likewise, the fact that i am spending £16.63 on a book totally amazes me! Am i crazy for preferring the green one? 

Nope, I'm with you on that one!

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