Spanish Developer EnjoyUp Can Now Develop Wii U Games

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.11.2012 1

Spanish Developer EnjoyUp Can Now Develop Wii U Games on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Spanish developer EnjoyUp have joined the world of Nintendo Wii U, licensed to develop titles for the new system.

EnjoyUp Games already has a selection of WiiWare and DSiWare titles under its creative belt - known for the likes of Chronos Twins, 99 Seconds, Abyss and publishing La-Mulana, has been confirmed as a Wii U developer, can bring forth new concepts with the GamePad and join a horde of independent, smaller studios working on the Nintendo eShop download service.

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They need quality games like La Mulana. Party games would kill any credibility they have now.

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