Japan TVii Details - Optional Channel Changing DLC

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.11.2012

Japan TVii Details - Optional Channel Changing DLC on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have confirmed details of the interactive TVii service in Japan, launching alongside the Wii U console next month.

The interactive TV service is set to go live on December 8th, the same time the new Nintendo Wii U console touches down in the company's home turf. As part of a joint venture with media broadcaster IPG, users will be able to view an interactive TV guide using the GamePad screen, read up on more details on each show, actor and find related programming - essentially the same functionality as the upcoming US and European versions.

Interestingly a 100 yen (70p,$1.20) DLC pack will allow users to the lazy ones to change TV channels within the app itself (instead of using the universal GamePad/regular TV remote).

Image for Japan TVii Details - Optional Channel Changing DLC

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