Update: Nintendo Confirms Wii Mini Console - No Internet, USB Support

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.11.2012 39

Update: Nintendo Confirms Wii Mini Console - No Internet, USB Support on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Official Update:
We contacted Nintendo UK for a response, and the official word is that the Wii Mini system is real and will be launched in Canada, December 7th at a retail price of $99.99 (£60 / €75 / 8200 Yen).

No announcements have been made for other regions yet.

A first image of the new Wii Mini console has also surfaced, with additional details confirming the removal of USB, SD Card support and Internet/WiFi capability, as well as having no support for GameCube games, essentially leaving a bare bones Wii in a smaller new shell.

Image for Update: Nintendo Confirms Wii Mini Console - No Internet, USB Support

Original Story:
A rogue banner on retailer Best Buy's website has revealed what appears to be the first sighting of the rumoured Wii Mini console.

The Wii Mini was rumoured last week, but Nintendo has so far "refused to comment on rumour and speculation", however it seems that the second revision on original Wii hardware is imminent - a black shell with smart red trims. Aside from a teeny image at time of writing, there aren't any clearer looks at the new design. 

However, the Wii Mini appears to literally be, rather small in form and is likely to retain core functionality without the rectangular bulk of the original Wii.

Be sure to watch this space for updates.

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Martin_ said:
Flynnie said:
i thought the newer version of the "original" Wii which was launched last year was stupid for removing Gamecube support, but this is really taking it a step too far!

Wait, what? So if I buy a new Wii now, it won't play GC games?

yep on the plus side its not like gamecubes or second hand wiis are in short supply. Plus most of the great gamecube games have wii ports, that and the wii u will most likely have GC games on its VC

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Martin_ said:
Flynnie said:
i thought the newer version of the "original" Wii which was launched last year was stupid for removing Gamecube support, but this is really taking it a step too far!

Wait, what? So if I buy a new Wii now, it won't play GC games?

I can still find GC compatible Wii units brand new where I live, but it's not in every shop. You really have to look for them, but it's still possible.

It's easy to see the difference, the units that don't have the GC compatibility have the Wii logo printed on the front so that it can be read normally if the wii U is lying flat, whereas GC compatible ones have the Wii logo printed so that it's readable if the unit is standing.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
MightyBob (guest) 28.11.2012#28

I hope this little piece of #### bites them in the ass when pirates discover they can play copied games on it without it phoning home and bricking.

Are there any wii games that require online activation?  That would be more fun for this holiday money grab.

I think it looks pretty cool, but had it just included SD support I'd have gotten one. Without it there's no way to transfer save files. Then again, I'm not their target market.

I am curious actually - Mario Kart Wii - what happens when they try to install the Mario Kart channel, likewise what happens when they try to go online?!

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jb said:
I am curious actually - Mario Kart Wii - what happens when they try to install the Mario Kart channel, likewise what happens when they try to go online?!

Nothing I assume, the Shop Channel probably isn't even available.

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I think this is a bad move, having different versions of the same system with different features for only a tiny difference is size just confuses the market.  Its not even much cheaper.

All this will do is piss of late adopters that dont know the difference...or worse,  make it seem like Nintendos even further behind by not supporting industary standard features.

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Apparently the system still has ONE usb port.

Perhaps it'll still support the USB network adapter then, allowing for accessing the store ?? But then wouldn't people quickly run out of storage since there's no SD card port reader ?? Unless Nintendo beefed up the internal storage so much that you don't even need an SD card to store all your Wiiware, VC games and save data ????

That single picture raised all these questions for me Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

That's...unexpected. Maybe a separate accessory is on the cards to add functionality? Or it could be just to support USB Microphones.

oh wow.it doesnt even look cool. horrible colour choice. Even the GB micro looks awesome now. And that is virtual boy 2.0 in terms of amazingly great. Fuck this, Nintendo is a senile old man now. But still very cute. but the smell...eww-

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Phoenom said:
That's...unexpected. Maybe a separate accessory is on the cards to add functionality? Or it could be just to support USB Microphones.

Who would you talk to with a USB microphone if you can't go online though ?? Mmmmh, I wonder...

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
Phoenom said:
That's...unexpected. Maybe a separate accessory is on the cards to add functionality? Or it could be just to support USB Microphones.

Who would you talk to with a USB microphone if you can't go online though ?? Mmmmh, I wonder...
Microphones for sing & dance games.

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Azuardo said:
RudyC3 said:
Who would you talk to with a USB microphone if you can't go online though ?? Mmmmh, I wonder...
Microphones for sing & dance games.

Ah yeah, right. I thought he meant the Wii Speak or something similar. Never played a sing & dance game on Wii, so I wouldn't know Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I love going into my game retailer supplier and purchasing GameCube games. They're so cheap no, and they're still amazing games! I miss the days where you didn't have to pay to play online and you could just enjoy a game and beat it.

Most games were puzzling, now it's "follow the on screen directions". Who remembers Air Fortress or Contra for NES? They were hard games, but after you beat them a couple of times, it became all memorization. Same with Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. All memorization now.

I've yet to beat Majora's Mask. Anyway, back on topic here, I won't be getting this system. Wii U was a let down for me. My screen froze, sent it out to Nintendo, and when I finally get a new system...same problem.

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