Update: Nintendo Confirms Wii Mini Console - No Internet, USB Support

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.11.2012 39

Update: Nintendo Confirms Wii Mini Console - No Internet, USB Support on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Official Update:
We contacted Nintendo UK for a response, and the official word is that the Wii Mini system is real and will be launched in Canada, December 7th at a retail price of $99.99 (£60 / €75 / 8200 Yen).

No announcements have been made for other regions yet.

A first image of the new Wii Mini console has also surfaced, with additional details confirming the removal of USB, SD Card support and Internet/WiFi capability, as well as having no support for GameCube games, essentially leaving a bare bones Wii in a smaller new shell.

Image for Update: Nintendo Confirms Wii Mini Console - No Internet, USB Support

Original Story:
A rogue banner on retailer Best Buy's website has revealed what appears to be the first sighting of the rumoured Wii Mini console.

The Wii Mini was rumoured last week, but Nintendo has so far "refused to comment on rumour and speculation", however it seems that the second revision on original Wii hardware is imminent - a black shell with smart red trims. Aside from a teeny image at time of writing, there aren't any clearer looks at the new design. 

However, the Wii Mini appears to literally be, rather small in form and is likely to retain core functionality without the rectangular bulk of the original Wii.

Be sure to watch this space for updates.

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It looks classy, may get one depending on the price.

Yeah, would like more pics but it looks rather swish.

Colours sure, but the Wii is already so small.....seems wasted effort.

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Amlani (guest) 27.11.2012#4
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Looks like a Famicom, sort of.

Darkflame said:
Colours sure, but the Wii is already so small.....seems wasted effort.

Which is why this comment in the article made me lol;

C3 said:

However, the Wii Mini appears to literally be, rather small in form and is likely to retain core functionality - Disc Drive, USB ports etc - without the rectangular bulk of the original Wii.

Would hardly describe the original Wii as 'bulk'.

Official Update:We contacted Nintendo UK for a response, and the official word is that the Wii Mini system is real and will be launched in Canada, December 7th at a retail price of $99.99. 

No announcements have been made for other regions yet.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

It looks cool. Sleek. Where did you get that picture?

It does remind me of the Famicom a little.

Looks like the top pops up and the disc goes there.

If I didn't already have a Wii and Wii U I would definitely get one.
I wonder what the price will be. I'm going to guess $99.

Bizarre move, it's a really cute console but could create additional market confusion, people already don't know what the WiiU is.

Also it's strange that it has no internet, SD or USB support and yet it's still $99, pretty sure they could charge much less for it.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Not so interested now that all the features have been removed.

Exclusive to Canada  for the holiday season (so could be exported elsewhere depending on how it goes I guess). 

Price is $99 Canadian - (£60 / €75 / 8200 Yen)

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer


( Edited 27.11.2012 14:48 by Sonic_13 )

No SD or wifi support, i'm guessing to avoid any easy hacking like the original had, also not really sure how well the Wii's online market ultimately did, apparently not well enough to maintain, that or all servers and interest are shifting over to the WiiU.

Its small and classy and cheap and goes all out against piracy. Makes me think the console was made with the chinese market in mind.

( Edited 27.11.2012 16:17 by welshwuff )

Not necessarily. The homebrew/pirate channel is the main reason I'm interested in a Wii, that and I still need to play Mario Galaxy, and having something which also plays GC games would be nice (as I understand it, Wii U does not).

Still too big, sorry. I'll just wait till Larry from Colorado Springs manages to make a classy Wii inside an old Gameboy and put it on Ebay. With SD card bility. If only Lanny was't as lazy as me...

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Martin_ said:
Not necessarily. The homebrew/pirate channel is the main reason I'm interested in a Wii, that and I still need to play Mario Galaxy, and having something which also plays GC games would be nice (as I understand it, Wii U does not).


Once my WiiU arrives I'll be shifting all my important Wii data over onto it, and from then on I'll be using the Wii for GC gaming and hacking purposes from a clean slate. I'm actually kind of excited for that, in the past when I hacked it would always be forcefully updated when new games came out making the hacking process more complicated, but I doubt the Wii firmware will be upgraded much more (if at all) from now on.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

It shows a Wii Remote with it. What's the point, honestly? No internet which means no Mii Universe, no online gaming with random opponents. And that was one of the cool things about the Wii, you could play Game Cube games on there.

You know how cheap Game Cube games were when the Wii came out? Some of the classics too, and I went out and bought them. Now I'm doing the same thing with Wii games since I own the Wii U, which is awesome, so far.

God said:
Still too big, sorry. I'll just wait till Larry from Colorado Springs manages to make a classy Wii inside an old Gameboy and put it on Ebay. With SD card bility. If only Lanny was't as lazy as me...

Why not wait 20 years until someone fits it in a box the size of a spec of dust?

sorry, I dont really want to be seen playing around with a box that size? call me superficial whatever, i still care as much about console appearance as20 years ago. I do think specs of dust are kinda sexy, but that's it. i wouldn't invest myself in them you know. Oh well, it'd probably cost a fortune anyway...

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So that means no Virtual console for these people then? Thats really stupid, i thought the newer version of the "original" Wii which was launched last year was stupid for removing Gamecube support, but this is really taking it a step too far!

I know some don't use SD card support and the Internet/Wifi but to remove them seems a little silly. 

Furthermore it doesn't look that much smaller! I'd like to see some comparrisons when they get released.

However i can see this being a collectors item in 20 years, might want to keep a sealed copy and stick it in the attic if you have £60 to waste!

This doesn't make sense to me at all.

I could understand them making a Wii Mini that removed GC support and even the disc drive and positioned itself mostly as a tiny VC or WiiWare machine. But no Wifi? No point then.

Apparently its from the same department that came up with this:



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Jacob4000 said:
This doesn't make sense to me at all.

I could understand them making a Wii Mini that removed GC support and even the disc drive and positioned itself mostly as a tiny VC or WiiWare machine. But no Wifi? No point then.

I find it interesting you consider wi-fi more imporant than a disc try to actually play Wii games.

While it makes little sense to me, a lot of people raised the good point that if you don't see a point in it or if you don't want one.. you're not the demographic. People don't want a Wii with WiFi in 2012, if they do they'll buy a WiiU, the Wii Mini is literally for those people who will buy the console for a few games and then let it gather dust.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Flynnie said:
i thought the newer version of the "original" Wii which was launched last year was stupid for removing Gamecube support, but this is really taking it a step too far!

Wait, what? So if I buy a new Wii now, it won't play GC games?

Martin_ said:
Flynnie said:
i thought the newer version of the "original" Wii which was launched last year was stupid for removing Gamecube support, but this is really taking it a step too far!

Wait, what? So if I buy a new Wii now, it won't play GC games?

That's right. You'd have to try and get a pre-owned original if you want that now, or hope people still sell new ones on ebay or something.

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