A Look at Nintendo Wii U eShop Download File Sizes

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.11.2012 14

A Look at Nintendo Wii U eShop Download File Sizes on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Curious about how big download games are on the Nintendo Wii U eShop? Titles range from as low as 81MB to a staggering 17GB.

NeoGaffer Setre has compiled a list of different software sizes, from indie gems Chasing Aurora and Nano Assault Neo to the more assest-intense Assassin's Creed III and, yes, Just Dance 4.

Listed from smallest to largest:

GameFile Size
Nano Assault Neo81 MB
Chasing Aurora103 MB
Little Inferno114 MB
Mighty Switch Force! Hyper Drive Edition525 MB
Scribblenaust Unlimited1378 MB
ESPN Sports Connection1645 MB
Game Party Champions1719 MB
New Super Marios Bro.s U1733 MB
Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 20131913 MB
Trine 2: Director's Cut1941 MB
Nintendo Land2852 MB
Madden NFL 134840 MB
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge5443 MB
ZombiU5737 MB
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed5898 MB
Rabbids Land7383 MB
EA Sports FIFA Soccer 137490 MB
Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two7522 MB
Darksiders II9574 MB
Sing Party12 GB
Just Dance 415 GB
Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper16 GB
Assassins Creed III17 GB

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Shin'en are the masters of tech. Bloody hell @ the three biggest sizes. Smilie

At this point I normally mumble something about proecedral tech Smilie

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Having the Deluxe model is sort of an incentive to buy digital games. 17GB is sort of an incentive not to haha. Not until I get an external hard drive, anyway.

Where did they find this info? I looked on the eShop and was a little disappointed it didn't give a size. I'd like to know how large Tekken is.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

justonesp00lturn said:
I'd like to know how large Tekken is.
Tekken's about 16GB innit?

Azuardo said:
justonesp00lturn said:
I'd like to know how large Tekken is.
Tekken's about 16GB innit?

No idea. As far as I could find the eshop itself doesn't list a size (maybe it does after you buy a game or right before but I didn't try it) and a Google search only brings me to this post lol

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com


Yay, the only game I'm going to download happens to be the smallest one!

And I assume people can find out the file size by connecting their HDD to their PC and checking how big the folders for the games are.

Canyarion said:

And I assume people can find out the file size by connecting their HDD to their PC and checking how big the folders for the games are.

I don't think that would work, since the Wii U formats the HDD so it can't be used on a PC unless you format it again.

Someone could download a game and then check how much data they've downloaded with their internet connection, granted they're not using it while the download is still going. This way someone on I believe NeoGAF confirmed that the Day 1 update was far from the 5GB everybody was going on about.

SirLink said:
Canyarion said:

And I assume people can find out the file size by connecting their HDD to their PC and checking how big the folders for the games are.

I don't think that would work, since the Wii U formats the HDD so it can't be used on a PC unless you format it again.

What, seriously????????

That's the most retarded thing I've heard about the Wii U so far.

I bought a 2TB USB HDD for 2 reasons: I needed to backup my PC and I want to use it for the Wii U. Now it turns out you can't use them for both? Crap. Smilie

Canyarion said:
SirLink said:
Canyarion said:

And I assume people can find out the file size by connecting their HDD to their PC and checking how big the folders for the games are.

I don't think that would work, since the Wii U formats the HDD so it can't be used on a PC unless you format it again.

What, seriously????????

That's the most retarded thing I've heard about the Wii U so far.

I bought a 2TB USB HDD for 2 reasons: I needed to backup my PC and I want to use it for the Wii U. Now it turns out you can't use them for both? Crap. Smilie

It might work with two different partitions but I can't say for sure since it's the Wii U and not a PC, where you can have two partitions and format one without affecting the other partition.

I'm surprised I haven't seen a video or anything about this yet.

I think I read you can't partition. Don't quote me, but I'm sure I read that. People should really think twice about the size of their external HDD and the price they'll spend on it because unless you're gonna be downloading a lot of games, you may not need an expensive 2TB one.

Canyarion said:
Yay, the only game I'm going to download happens to be the smallest one!

And I assume people can find out the file size by connecting their HDD to their PC and checking how big the folders for the games are.

People have found out the size of these files because instead of displaying file sizes in blocks, the Wii U displays file sizes in MB and GB. Smilie

Really surprised at some of these file sizes though. Smilie

( Edited 25.11.2012 21:57 by Mush )

Hmm - I'm sure someone will create a program that can read the Wii U's filesystem soon enough, much like the Macdrive apps on PCs. Nintendo are wiser this time for sure in terms of privacy, but I can imagine some clever bunnies will tap in eventually.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Azuardo said:

Thanks! Apparently I didn't look hard enough haha.

17 Gigs is a little much. But I think I'll wait on Tekken anyway, it looks pretty cool but not a game I'm willing to pay full price for at this point.

Which makes me wonder, if games get price drops at retail, will the eShop versions drop as well? I can't imagine they wouldn't, but then sometimes Nintendo does things that don't make any sense.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing: http://www.davidjlovato.com

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