Nintendo TVii Service Heading to Europe in 2013

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.11.2012 1

Nintendo TVii Service Heading to Europe in 2013 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo Europe are hoping to introduce the TVii service in the region sometime next year.

The interactive service will be available on North American Wii U systems from early December, introducing the ability to interact with other viewers in a live environment. Whilst in discussion for Europe previously, it appears to be confirmed via details on the Official Nintendo UK website.

Using the Wii U GamePad, you can browse and search for programming from sources you subscribe to, including cable and satellite channels and video-on-demand services.

More details on which countries and networks will be supported are expected shortly.


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So in the UK are we expecting to see iPlayer, ITV Player, 4OD, 5onDemand, SkyPlayer, Netflix, Lovefilm???

I have a USB hard drive connected to my TV, i wonder if i can use the gamepad to set programmes to record on the TV. (i wish they would at least localise the text to say 'programmes' instead of 'programs'

I would love to be watching Match of the Day and be able to have the live feed of comments on my gamepad, or even a live match. Hope that feature comes over to the UK

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