Oliver Twins Raising Funds for Dizzy Sequel

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.11.2012

Oliver Twins Raising Funds for Dizzy Sequel on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Remember the classic Codemasters adventure game, Dizzy? Creators the Oliver twins are looking to resurrect the franchise.

Originally born on the Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum in 1987, the series featured an iconic egg-like chap known as Dizzy who tumbles about the fairy tale land of Katmandu, collecting specific items.

The series did roll onto Nintendo platforms with Dizzy Prince of the Yolkfolk and Fantastic Dizzy, winning "NES Adventure Game of the Year 1991" by Game Players Magazine.

Image for Oliver Twins Raising Funds for Dizzy Sequel

Crystal Kingdom Dizzy was the last title in the main series, over two decades ago.

Now the creators Philip and Andrew Oliver are back on the scene, pitching a new entry in the series - wanting £350,000 from fans as part of a Kickstarter campaign.The proposal doesn't involve a Nintendo platform at the moment, however, with just iOS and PC in the line-up.

There's also a retro mode planned for those craving a harder difficulity and 8-bit visuals.

For more on the Oliver twins, be sure to read our interview with Philip and Andrew Oliver back in 2009.

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