Resident Evil Revelations Moves on from Nintendo 3DS?

By Adam Riley 23.11.2012 10

Resident Evil Revelations Moves on from Nintendo 3DS? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A new trademark has been unearthed over in South Korea showing that the current Nintendo 3DS exclusive, Resident Evil: Revelations, which launched at the beginning of this year in Europe, may well be heading to both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in some form, with many believing it to be as a download title. It may come as some surprise to find that there is no Wii U version mentioned in the Korean posting, but Nintendo has yet to release Wii U in that territory, having only brought 3DS there in April of this year.

Cubed3 rated Resident Evil: Revelations 9/10 in the official review and it still remains one of the most impressive 3DS releases on the market today. Sales never quite hit the highs of mainline numbered entries, but a large part of that came down to shocking marketing tactics from Capcom, with the build-up to Resident Evil 6 starting on TV and websites a week or two after the 3DS game launched, despite the home console title not being due until much later in the year.

Seeing a Wii U edition eventually would not be too shocking given that Koshi Nakanishi expressed his desire to try something with the GamePad.

Would you like to see Resident Evil: Revelations released for download or tweaked for retail, especially on Wii U to make use of the GamePad?

Box art for Resident Evil: Revelations








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If true, I would buy on PS3 if it's a budget price. High price of the 3DS game and the uncomfortable system turn me away from it, which is a shame as a Resi fan.

It would be a shame if what many considered to be the best RE game leaves exclusitivity, it's a 3DS killer app.

But on the other hand, this way more people will get to see how good it is and hopefully Capcom will make more like this and less like RE6.

( Edited 23.11.2012 12:34 by SuperLink )

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The age of exclusives is all but gone, and honestly with Resident Evil I'm surprised it lasted this long. This is probably for the best. Revelation is one of the best games in the series, I had a lot of fun with it, I'd consider it the best post-4 RE game easily. It perfectly treads the line between survival horror and the more shoot-'em-up approach later games have been taking. It breaks new ground without abandoning what makes it Resident Evil.

However, I would like a Wii U version (it makes the most sense, the game is designed for two screens). And didn't the director say he wanted to work with Wii U? In any case, they'd have to throw in a few goodies to make me buy the game a second time.

A downloadable app would probably be best, unless they're going to up the graphics a little and maybe expand the game a little for a larger experience. The one thing I didn't like about the game was how often you go back and forth. More space would likely make for a larger, more explorable ship.

NNID: crackedthesky
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Also prolly a way to gauge more interest for a sequel, apparently the plot was actually good and loads of people want a sequel.

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Bringing it over to the WiiU would be a wise move. I wouldn't be purchasing it unless they upped the graphics and added a whole lotta content, because I've invested way too many hours into the 3DS version as is xD...

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

SuperLink said:
Also prolly a way to gauge more interest for a sequel, apparently the plot was actually good and loads of people want a sequel.

"The plot was actually good" when it comes to Resident Evil is probably more accurately stated as "The plot was actually there".

In all seriousness, this is one of the few RE games where I actually cared at all what was going on around me. The characters and dialogue still aren't anything to write home about, but it was a hell of a lot more interesting than Albert Wesker coming back from the dead for the kajillionth time.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Revelations is amazing with the circle pad on 3DS. Such a well made game that actually brings back the horror missing from the most recent Resi games.

I think it's a bit cheap to port the 3DS game instead of creating a new game entirely Smilie. Here's hoping the WiiU or 3DS get a proper sequel!

Lots of people complained about it being on the 3ds so porting it to consoles wouldn't be a bad idea. Honestly I'd probably re buy it since it was so much fun on the 3ds.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

OMG, yes. If this is released as a downloadable title for Wii U, or even some kind of sequel for the Wii U. I will buy either! Using the GamePad as the scanner would be so awesome!

This is easily the best Resident Evil game since RE4, I absolutely loved it to bits on the 3DS!

Yeah I'd rather replay Revelations again with bonus content than suffer through RE6, I made that mistake with RE5.....not doing that again. >_>

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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