Wii U GamePad Can Output 3D - Confirmed

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.11.2012 3

Wii U GamePad Can Output 3D - Confirmed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

It has been rumoured that the Wii U GamePad could do 3D, and now proof has come in playthroughs of Assassin's Creed III.

Players trying the retail version of the Wii U game have encountered the option to enable the stereoscopy feature in the options, and tweak the strength of the effect from 0 to 10. Unlike the 3DS however, players will need to use 3D glasses to view the effect - perhaps reason why Nintendo has shied away from promoting the feature.

Image for Wii U GamePad Can Output 3D - Confirmed
Box art for Assassin's Creed III





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Alyxes (guest) 23.11.2012#1

As I've gathered from other places, this 3D "support" is the sort where there are two images overlapping each other tinted green and magenta. You'll need two-coloured glasses to view it.
This is something any screen can simulate, and is only up to the software-developer to apply.
Maybe Nintendo shied away from promoting the feature because it's not a feature anymore than it is on as an example the Game Boy Advance.

Oh guys PLEASE! Can we pleeeeeeeease stop copy-pasting ridiculous news items from other sites? Do some more research before you post silly stuff. At least read the reactions of people replying to the news article.

Like Alyxes says, the screen supports those stupid cheap green/red 3D glasses that we've had for 25 years. Any colour screen supports it. Heck, a piece of paper and 2 colour-pens support it.
This is not news. Even if you think it's somehow news because 1 game supports this gimmicky function... your news item makes it sound like the Upad supports the same kind of 3D expensive TVs do.

I don't often get frustrated by news articles, but this one has managed to really piss me off. You'd be better off deleting or totally rewriting the news item.

Well I think it was a lovely story and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Thank you, cubed3. Keep up the good work - in other words.

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