Can you Survive in Aliens: Colonial Marines?

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.11.2012 7

Can you Survive in Aliens: Colonial Marines? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Gearbox have put together a vicious new trailer for the the upcoming multiplatform Aliens: Colonial Marines.

Due out in 2013, Colonial Marines finds players teaming up to fend off devious creatures in a bid to be the last one standing within an abandoned ship - think of it as a zombie mode with extraterrestrial meat hungry creatures instead. Up to four players can take on the terrifying challenge, see how it plays out in the latest gameplay footage.



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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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This is the game that sold me on the Wii U. I know it's on all platforms, but Gearbox have been singing the praises of the Wii U version. Initial impressions look like they've really taken care to make the Wii U version surpass the others in terms of playability.

I have a deep-rooted love for all things horror, and the Alien franchise might be my favorite. Nothing has given me more nightmares over the years. The scenes in these movies where the guys have the motion trackers and the little dots are getting closer and closer are some of the scariest moments in cinematic history. When Gearbox announced I could hold that in my hand, I was sold on the game and system immediately.

ZombiU and Pikmin 3 didn't hurt either Smilie

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

I'm definitely gonna have to pick this up at some point, looks great and I really like how they've used the Wii U GamePad for the scanner/radar. Makes things seem a lot more tense/real, when you're holding something that actually is the scanner.

Also, the fact that it's Gearbox further strengthens my interest in this game. Love some of the stuff they make, especially Borderlands. Randy Pitchford praising the Wii U makes me hope for a Borderlands sequel on the Wii U. Or even BL2 GOTY Edition when that's released.. would certainly be nice. Smilie

Mush said:
I'm definitely gonna have to pick this up at some point, looks great and I really like how they've used the Wii U GamePad for the scanner/radar. Makes things seem a lot more tense/real, when you're holding something that actually is the scanner.

Also, the fact that it's Gearbox further strengthens my interest in this game. Love some of the stuff they make, especially Borderlands. Randy Pitchford praising the Wii U makes me hope for a Borderlands sequel on the Wii U. Or even BL2 GOTY Edition when that's released.. would certainly be nice. Smilie

I read one of the Gearbox guys (may have even been Randy) in an interview said they absolutely want to do Borderlands 2 on Wii U, but 2K Games is waiting to see how well Aliens does before deciding whether publishing it on Wii U is worth it. In any case, it wouldn't surprise me at all if Borderlands 3 releases on Wii U as well as the other consoles.

NNID: crackedthesky
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justonesp00lturn said:
I read one of the Gearbox guys (may have even been Randy) in an interview said they absolutely want to do Borderlands 2 on Wii U, but 2K Games is waiting to see how well Aliens does before deciding whether publishing it on Wii U is worth it. In any case, it wouldn't surprise me at all if Borderlands 3 releases on Wii U as well as the other consoles.
I think you're referring to Brian Martel, who seemed really eager to get Borderlands 2 on the Wii U, but apparently it's all down to whether the publisher (2K Games) wants to take the risk and allow them to port it to the Wii U. I personally think they should skip making the standard edition Borderlands 2 on the Wii U and just make the GOTY Edition and release that instead. Would be really worth picking up and I may even consider buying the game again, even though I would've played all the DLC by then. Smilie

( Edited 24.11.2012 03:06 by Mush )

Marine playing on the TV, Alien sneaking up on the Gamepad...that would be brill!

Mush said:
 I personally think they should skip making the standard edition Borderlands 2 on the Wii U and just make the GOTY Edition and release that instead. Would be really worth picking up and I may even consider buying the game again, even though I would've played all the DLC by then. Smilie

I agree. If they do a version with all of the dlc I'll be way more inclined to buy the game again. I hope Bethesda does this with Skyrim as well.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

justonesp00lturn said:
Mush said:
 I personally think they should skip making the standard edition Borderlands 2 on the Wii U and just make the GOTY Edition and release that instead. Would be really worth picking up and I may even consider buying the game again, even though I would've played all the DLC by then. Smilie

I agree. If they do a version with all of the dlc I'll be way more inclined to buy the game again. I hope Bethesda does this with Skyrim as well.

Yeah, I would totally buy into that. I've been waiting for the GOTY Edition of Skyrim anyways, so if it comes out on Wii U, I'll definitely pick it up at some point.

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