Nintendo Reveals Pricing for Wii U eShop Premium Bonuses - £5 off £63

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.11.2012 12

Nintendo Reveals Pricing for Wii U eShop Premium Bonuses - £5 off £63 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have announced pricing bonuses for Wii U Premium members in the UK: Spend around £63 to apply for a £5 voucher.

Wii U owners who purchase the 32GB Premium pack can apply to be part of the Nintendo Network Premium membership. This entitles a user to receive points for every £/€ spend on the Wii U eShop, working at at 8 points per £1/€1.

Once a user earns 500 point or more, a £5 voucher can be used against future eShop purchases - working out at a voucher for every £62.50/€62.50 spent.

What do you think of the offer and incentives for Wii U Premium owners?

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It sounds good in theory but when you consider that games on the e-shop will cost £10 more than they do at retail you realise you're still paying nintendo an extra £5.

So lemme get this straight

you sign up for Nintendo Network Premium, which is subscription based like PSN.
So you're paying a monthly fee that only enables you to get a tiny ass reward for spending £63? Are you shittin me?

Or is there more to it than that?

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I wonder if developers/publishers can also easily make discounts for retail titles to attract more buyers like indie developers will be able to? If they can, then they could combat quickly decreasing retail prices this way and get some more money out of the digital sales. This feels more like wishful thinking than something that might actually happen though. Right now, there's really not much of a point to buy any of your games digitally unless you really don't want the physical product and have some extra cash to spare.

This incentive still sounds good for people who love eShop games though. Considering the very developer-friendly new guidelines Nintendo has, I wouldn't be surprised if the eShop will be full of great downloadable games in the future. Buy around 4 higher-priced eShop games and you can get a cheap one for free. Not too bad.

( Edited 21.11.2012 08:53 by SirLink )

SuperLink said:
So lemme get this straight

you sign up for Nintendo Network Premium, which is subscription based like PSN.
So you're paying a monthly fee that only enables you to get a tiny ass reward for spending £63? Are you shittin me?

Or is there more to it than that?

There's no PSN-type fee at all, the premium bonus is merely a returns system that gives you points back for purchases. The entirety of Nintendo's online infrastructure is free. 

Edit: These points can be taken over to the 3DS shop too it seems.

( Edited 21.11.2012 09:03 by Phoenom )

Yeah, like Phoenom said. Everyone who buys a black Wii U can make use of this for 2 years. By that time, I hope they'll have a service like PS+ for early demos, bigger and additional discounts and even some free games.

Phoenom said:

There's no PSN-type fee at all, the premium bonus is merely a returns system that gives you points back for purchases. The entirety of Nintendo's online infrastructure is free. 

Edit: These points can be taken over to the 3DS shop too it seems.

You sure? So absolutely everyone can get the premium system?
Seems a bit silly to call it premium if everyone has it Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:

You sure? So absolutely everyone can get the premium system?
Seems a bit silly to call it premium if everyone has it Smilie

Not if the Premium systems are sold out. Smilie

( Edited 21.11.2012 09:48 by SirLink )

Ohh it's only for people with Premium systems? That makes sense.
A little harsh to people who are stuck with Basic though Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
Miyamoto II (guest) 21.11.2012#9

I've never spent more than £50 in the 6 yrs I have the Wii.

Miyamoto II (guest) said:
I've never spent more than £50 in the 6 yrs I have the Wii.

you missed out on some great games then Smilie

Didn't they say 10%? Why is it suddenly 8%?

If you only buy eShop-only games (which cost around €10), it will take you a while before you have enough points for the discount. But if you buy your retail games from the eShop, you almost have the discount instantly!

The sad thing is that retailers always manage to sell the game for a lower price than on the eShop (and PSN/XBLA)... So for the biggest economical advantage, you just order it cheap from or so.

Canyarion said:
Didn't they say 10%? Why is it suddenly 8%?

I believe it's 8% because of the 20% VAT we have to pay in the UK. Therefore you're still getting 10% off the price, but the price before it has had the VAT added to it. This is what I heard anyways.

Even if we were getting a 10% discount, the US getting 10% and the UK/EU getting 10%, there is a HUGE difference between the two. Americans have to spend $50 to get $5 off. This is about £30, which is around half of what we need to spend to get £5 off.

Going by this, it also means that if you have to spend €62.50 to get €5 off, which means that the UK has it a little worse off, but either way.. the UK and EU are getting just a bit screwed over on this... stupid European laws/taxes are to blame though.

I reckon they should change this to something like "every £30 you spend, you get £2.50 off" seems more logical for the UK.

( Edited 21.11.2012 21:13 by Mush )

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