Nintendo Stops Developing Wii Games

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.11.2012 4

Nintendo Stops Developing Wii Games on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has confirmed that no new projects for the original Wii console are in development.

With the new system, Wii U, on stores shelves in North America and due imminently in Europe, Australia and Japan, Nintendo of America's director of product marketing Bill Trinen confirmed the situation.

Third parties and smaller studios are still due to release games for the system, but for now there won't be any first party efforts from Nintendo, with the Japanese game maker's focus solely on Nintendo Wii U and 3DS projects.

The last Nintendo game to grace the Wii was Kirby's Dream Collection, a 20 year anthology of past Kirby titles.

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This is always a huge shame, I know Nintendo is one company and they have to work on new software to generate interest for the WiiU, but at the same time I can't help but think of promises like "we'll support the Wii until 2014" or whatever and laugh.

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Miyamoto II (guest) 21.11.2012#2

They could easily make New Super Mario Bros Wii 2. I bet you....

SuperLink said:
I can't help but think of promises like "we'll support the Wii until 2014" or whatever and laugh.

When did Nintendo say that? I don't recall it.

Sonic_13 said:
SuperLink said:
I can't help but think of promises like "we'll support the Wii until 2014" or whatever and laugh.

When did Nintendo say that? I don't recall it.

I'm pretty sure they said something like that between 2006 and 2008.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

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