Nintendo Wii U Launches with Chasing Aurora

By Adam Riley 18.11.2012

Nintendo Wii U Launches with Chasing Aurora on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Chasing Aurora comes from Broken Rules, the same team that made the superb And Yet It Moves on WiiWare, and can be played by up to five players. Multiplayer modes allow asynchronous gameplay by putting the Wii U GamePad player in a special role. The single-player mode is a race against time, played on the Wii U GamePad. The game features birds, rocks, mountains, icicles, lightning, fire, rock slides and a mysterious pendant called Aurora's Gem.

To celebrate Chasing Aurora hitting Wii U's eShop today, the official launch trailer can be seen below:


Are any US readers delving into the Nintendo eShop on Wii U to pick this up? Be sure to share your thoughts...

Box art for Chasing Aurora

Broken Rules


Broken Rules





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