Nintendo Delays TVii, Video Streaming to December on Wii U - Confirms YouTube

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.11.2012 4

Nintendo Delays TVii, Video Streaming to December on Wii U - Confirms YouTube on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has confirmed a delay for a handful of Wii U launch apps to December - including TVii and Netflix.

Whilst the Wii U is launching with Miiverse, the Nintendo Network and browser as a day-one download, the additional streaming services will become available sometime in December via an eShop download.

The upgrade will give new Wii U owners access to Amazon Instant Videos, Hulu, Netflix, Nintendo's own TVii service plus confirmation that a YouTube app will be available. Users will be able to login to their YouTube account, search and stream the app through the Gamepad menu.

Nintendo will be enhancing the Wii U experience with continuous updates and new services for Wii U owners - Nintendo of America president, Reggie Fils-Aime

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Our member of the week

I wonder if you'll be able to film stuff with the Youtube app using the Gamepad, and upload to youtube... Or perhaps that's asking for too much from Nintendo, haha.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I don't think they ever confirmed TVii for launch, did they?

And we'll be able to use Youtube on the browser on day 1, right?? Because I'm really looking forward to that. I often have friends around that like to browse Youtube and show movies to the rest.

darkflame (guest) 17.11.2012#3

I still cant believe the 3DS hasn't got youtube support Smilie

Youtube even supports 3D!

I have tried both Netflix and HuluPlus so far and they both currently work on Wii U.

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