More Pokémon Apps Due for iPhone/iPad in Japan

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.11.2012 4

More Pokémon Apps Due for iPhone/iPad in Japan on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo subsidiary The Pokémon Company has confirmed plans to release the paid Pokédex app on the iPhone/iPad.

Nintendo has been adament in the past to keep franchises and games strictly on Nintendo formats, including the Wii, DS and now the upcoming Wii U. However, the folk behind the likes of Super Mario Bros, have previously allowed The Pokémon Company to create a rhythm game for the iOS called Pokémon Say Tap!

Now plans are in place to release Pokémon Zukan - a version of the Pokédex 3D Pro already available for Nintendo's own 3DS, just without the 3D. The initial download will cost players 170 Yen ($2/£1.40) and contain 150 Pokémon. The remaining critters come in smaller packs of 500 Yen each ($6/£3.80) - a grand total of 2170 Yen ($25/£16).

Whether or not Nintendo would release more meatier games on Apple or Android systems in the future is uncertain; but there certainly seems to be a lot of water testing going on.

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toddblend (guest) 16.11.2012#1

I don't get this? Are they leading to full games in the future to play on their phones or just apps to their games? If they are apps for the games then I understand that they want to reach more people. But if they turn around and release full games of their franchise in the future that goes against what they said in the past about their games not being on a competitors system!? Also it scares me now thinking what if Nintendo will soon be down the road like sega...I don't like this idea at all because it will confuse the Nintendo fans that might not be into iphones ect? Will see where this lands in the near future.

I see this as a good thing, mostly because it will bring iOS and eShop prices closer to eachother.

Darkflame (guest) 16.11.2012#3

I cant for the life of me figure out why anyone would buy this stuff on any platform.

TetsuTori (guest) 22.11.2012#4

Darkflame (guest) said:
I cant for the life of me figure out why anyone would buy this stuff on any platform.

it is probably targeted more at the type of crowds who would buy things like strategy guides (despite most of that info being available online).

I doubt it is a signal for Nintendo tossing their real games on phones, it is more like side content to help promote/enhance the main games on their own hardware.

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