Sign the TimeSplitters HD Petition and Crytek will Listen

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.11.2012 10

Sign the TimeSplitters HD Petition and Crytek will Listen on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Fancy a new entry or enhanced trilogy in the popular TimeSplitters franchise? A new petition needs your voice.

For many moons now fans of Free Radical's first-person shooter series have cried out for a fourth installment after a now seven year absence. There was hope when a sequel was announced in 2007, however, with Free Radical going into administration and becoming Crytek's UK division, it's no longer in development.

Despite being a big fan of TimeSplitters 2, Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli noted that "there's a very hardcore market that is very verbal about it", but "doesn't look that convincing unfortunately".

The Facebook campaign is still building fans, however a new petition is attempting to try and convince Crytek and publishers that a TimeSplitters HD Collection is a good idea.

Yerli states that if the target of 300,000 signatures is met that he would be "very happy to put in front of decision makers in the company, the key stakeholders, and say 'Look here. This is how it is, let's make it now.'"

With over 20,000 signatures at time of writing, the campaign is gaining momentum at a steady rate. Will it make 300,000?

Box art for TimeSplitters 2

Free Radical




First Person Shooter



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The more attention this gets the better. Please share around the web as much as you can! No need to use your real personal details, of course. It's been so long, and the fans have been so patient. I personally want TS4 more than HD Collection, but this is at least something, and I'm not complaining.

Great to see how quick the number of signatures has gone up since before the publicity, though. Around 3,000 to 22,000+ as of now. Let's keep it going!

Signed! I'm pretty sure I've signed every TimeSplitters petition that has been released. Man, I miss those games. 

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.
kingdom (guest) 14.11.2012#3

NO. Crytek can fuck off.

I have disks that work perfectly fine on my wii.

Do I want some F2P muck made by no-one on the original team to help fund the latest shit F2P crysis game

If crytek had any sense or gave a shit about timesplitters it would have immediately been made into a flagship franchise.

I don't want their timesplitters. My disks work perfectly fine.

kingdom (guest) said:
If crytek had any sense or gave a shit about timesplitters it would have immediately been made into a flagship franchise.

What, as soon as they bought Free Radical, who went into administration? TS3 under performed, and it could have been disastrous if they'd rushed TS4 out. TimeSplitters is a risky game to take on for publishers in today's FPS market, which is a hell of a shame. I don't think Crytek can really be blamed for much. If they didn't pick up Free Rad, a future TimeSplitters might not even be an option today. And I know some original staff may have left, but it's a bit ridiculous to boycott the future of the series when the game hasn't even been announced, let alone you not having played it to give them a chance and reason to judge.

Entitled to your opinion, though, but I'll back TimeSplitters all the way. I see no harm in supporting a series that has strived to be different in a crowded genre. I would do the same for any series, even if I hadn't played it before.

kingdom (guest) 14.11.2012#5

I love timesplitters as much as the next man.

But if they're gonna prioritise the homefront franchise over the timesplitters franchise then they're stupid (crytek)

Gauging interest via kickstarter? They know we want it thats why it's in the news when the name is even whispered.

This is all PR. I just don't like their attitude to it. I don't think he's as much of a fan as he claims.

And they're putting one of the UKs best developers to waste

I could go on for hours about why timesplitters was a great franchise

I'd love to see it back but I'd also rather play the old disks than support some free to play folly.

Its not carelessly that I turn my nose up at timesplitters but I can't see them getting it right by me.

For a start can you see it on a nintendo console?

Everything about their attitude has been wrong so far. 

Timesplitters: Low res textures, 60fps clean good 3d models. Gameplay over graphics. Immaturity over so called "maturity"

Crysis: macho, shit, F2P and the most badly optimised piece of software of all time

Timesplitters lineage is perfect dark and goldeneye. It's a perfect fit for nintendo.

Compare its neat, smooth and efficient design with (of all games) crysis. 

I picture them being all "Oh you don't want to play a proper game like homefront or crysis you want to play this thing we dug up. lolwut?"

I've been praying someone did something about timesplitters of all people, crysis.

Don't tell me ubisoft wouldn't have made a shit ton of money off a nintendo exclusive timesplitters, in my view possibly more than a multiplatform one

It's a disaster (crysis buying free radical) that happened quite a while ago and thats probably worth forgetting about.

That doesn't change the fact I own the disks and four controllers or stop timesplitters from being fun.

Sorry, my two cents.

Hm, I get where you're coming from. I can't say too much myself, because I don't know what he's thinking. Maybe he is a bit of all talk and doesn't like TimeSplitters. Or maybe he thinks it's too much of a gamble.

I'd like to see future TS games come to Wii U, though. I doubt they wouldn't. The GamePad is perfect for the Map Maker. I'm completely all for Nintendo getting in there and working with them and exclusively publishing TS4 for Wii U. I want as many people to play it as possible, so would rather a multiplatform release, but if it means it even happening, or perhaps making it better with Nintendo on board, I would support it.

Not sure where you get the F2P ideas from. Do Crytek have a history of making F2P games or something? It's not like Team Fortress. The single player is still a very important aspect of the game.

No need for apologies, anyway. You back your opinion with reason, and show you care for the series by not wanting its future possibly tarnished. At the end of the day, though, this petition is for HD versions of the TimeSplitters games, not a brand new entry. They'd still be the same awesome fun games we remember, but with new graphics and hopefully some online play and map sharing.

Signing a petition doesn't put money in their pockets...its a great idea and I for one would like to see it...but from a business perspective would they actually shift the units needed to make it a success...i mean who would pay £40 for Timesplitters...?

Flynnie said:
Signing a petition doesn't put money in their pockets...its a great idea and I for one would like to see it...but from a business perspective would they actually shift the units needed to make it a success...i mean who would pay £40 for Timesplitters...?

Well it's an HD Collection. It wouldn't be £40. I have thought about that myself, though. No point in making a game if they aren't going to benefit financially. That's the part of me that feels guilty when fans pester devs into making new entries in niche or low-selling series. But I guess that's why the petitions are there - to show just how many people likely would buy the game. If it doesn't cost too much to develop HD versions and they work out a balanced price to profit from, it's all good.

Petition? Hmm, dunno, maybe a Kickstarter would have been a better idea. No harm in signing I guess, Timesplitters 3 was awesome. Smilie

Bucky (guest) 15.11.2012#10

Looks like it will be lucky to get within sight of 100,000 so 300,000 is dreaming.

It is a shame since TimeSplitters 2 and TimeSplitters Future Perfect were both great fun (did not play the original since I only had a GameCube)

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