Team Ninja Talks Wii U Hardware, Cross-platform DLC

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.11.2012

Team Ninja Talks Wii U Hardware, Cross-platform DLC on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Team Ninja studio head Yosuke Hayashi was recently quizzed on his thoughts on the Wii U hardware.

Speaking to Siliconera on Nintendo's new console and enhanced Wii U launch title Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge, Hayashi has positive - "it's right up there with PS3 and Xbox 360  plus the power to run the extra screen on the controller. There is plenty of power there to use".

It's not all about numbers though, and he agrees with Nintendo's approach "to use that hardware to make a creative game".

With Razor's Edge however, with a strong following as a console game, the studio didn't change too much of the core concepts as "we know our fans who love that experience, and we don't want to betray them", so it's ended up being a "more convenient" setup on the GamePad.

The Wii U edition is also getting a heap of DLC - characters, missions and weapons - and it's uncertain whether these will become available on the original PS3/Xbox editions, however Team Ninja are "thinking of ways to be able to make Ninja Gaiden fans on all consoles happy".

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