New Trailer for Mass Effect 3: Special Edition Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.11.2012 14

New Trailer for Mass Effect 3: Special Edition Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

EA have put together a snippet of gameplay for the upcoming Wii U version of Mass Effect 3 and how to use the GamePad in the heat of the action.

The Special Edition combines the gripping storyline and action with the additional DLC and a backstory to bring those who hadn't engaged with the series into the world of Mass Effect. You take on the role of Commander Shepard: the only one who can save Earth from pure annihilation.

Box art for Mass Effect 3

Straight Right




Real Time RPG



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I'd buy it, but I can't because my cheek hurts. Something called ME Trilogy slapped it really hard!

This game is DOA all because of EA's awful marketing department. It was always silly to just release the third game, announcing trilogy just means now even the mentally challenged will avoid it. This feels like the NBA Jam stupidity all over again.

( Edited 10.11.2012 14:50 by JayUK )

Nintendo was/is probably being a bunch of cheapskates still looks and sounds as incredibly awesome as when it was released 8 months ago though. Just watching the intro back then was leaving me very impressed. Bioware is truly incredible...!

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God said:
Nintendo was/is probably being a bunch of cheapskates still looks and sounds as incredibly awesome as when it was released 8 months ago though. Just watching the intro back then was leaving me very impressed. Bioware is truly incredible...!
Yes, because it's Nintendo's fault Bioware announced ME Trilogy a couple of months before ME3 Wii U. I just see this as a way for EA to say "The Wii U games we make sell shitty, so we won't be releasing any good games on there."

Also, something I don't get are that this and Scribblenauts are both coming out on the 13th in the US, when the Wii U isn't out until the 18th.. no idea why that is.

Yeah I don't think you can blame nintendo or bioware. EA is the publisher who have obviously decided they want their game to commit hari kiri.

( Edited 10.11.2012 19:22 by JayUK )

JayUK said:
Yeah I don't think you can blame nintendo or bioware. EA is the publisher who have obviously decided they want their game to commit hari kiri.
Exactly. EA are pretty stupid though. Smilie

Hmm, I just think not skipping 4 or 5 years of vast graphical improvement, and Nintendo might even have been able to get Mass Effect, all three games, on their system, at the moment non-Nintendo exclusive gamers were playing them.
But like Jayuk said; it was a silly decision to only release the third game anyway. Like they don't understand story heavy game series and just think of it as Mario Bros 3, or a new Zelda.

From EA's perspective, they probably just want to test if pokemon gamers are interested enough in this type of game. It probably won't sell well, and indeed, that'll give them a nice reason to not bother with a console that'll most likely trail behind the other gaming platforms in terms of power...again. And Bioware can continue to bother with stuff that matters: developing content. Not adjusting it to cater to the needy kid in class.

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

They way they handled it sounds like a waste of man power. First they get ME3 to run on the Wii U. In the meantime they update ME 1 & 2 for the trilogy... which won't run on the Wii U? Bunch of noobs.

God said:
Hmm, I just think not skipping 4 or 5 years of vast graphical improvement, and Nintendo might even have been able to get Mass Effect, all three games, on their system, at the moment non-Nintendo exclusive gamers were playing them.
But like Jayuk said; it was a silly decision to only release the third game anyway. Like they don't understand story heavy game series and just think of it as Mario Bros 3, or a new Zelda.

From EA's perspective, they probably just want to test if pokemon gamers are interested enough in this type of game. It probably won't sell well, and indeed, that'll give them a nice reason to not bother with a console that'll most likely trail behind the other gaming platforms in terms of power...again. And Bioware can continue to bother with stuff that matters: developing content. Not adjusting it to cater to the needy kid in class.

I think you're missing the point where its 'EA' publishing Mass Effect 3 not Nintendo. Nintendo released Metroid Prime Trilogy, Fire Emblem, Pandora's Tower, The Last Story and Xenoblade so stereotyping them as a company that doesn't understand storytelling is a bit stupid

As for bioware not caving/catering to whingers. What do you think they did with the extended ending to 3(for the benefit of the whining kids) or the whole of Mass Effect 2 being a retread of the first game(for the benefit of PS3 gamers). Seriously ragging on nintendo is one thing but then fangasming over whats left of bioware is majorly hypocritical. Also worth noting that this game isn't even being developed by bioware, so its not like they're having to adjust anything.

Sounds like some sort of conspiracy where EA doesn't tell Nintendo they're going to release the trilogy and then give them Mass Effect 3 instead. Must be some logic behind it. Fiscal I guess. Companies don't know much else. Well, if Nintendo has changed their thinking and started investing in story heavy games - great, can't wait to see their games on the next system then. Mass Effect is an excellent choice in that regard. Smilie

I don't understand your second paragraph - you're writing about whining kids...? I assume you're referring to the last words of my post about 'the needy kid in class'...which has absolutely nothing to do with 'whining'. But about being handicapped compared to the rest of the group.

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

I'm sorry I took your comment about needy kids the wrong way, ignore the second paragraph.

Yo, will do.

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

Yeah, EA kind of screwed us here. I mean, I won't be getting ME trilogy anyway since I already have the first two, but it's really dumb that I could get all three for Xbox cheaper than just the third for Wii U.

However, on the plus side, the Wii U version comes with all DLC on disc (roughly a $20 value) and I don't think the trilogy edition does.

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Apparently Omega DLC won't be available in the Wii U version. EA really have outdone themselves

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