UK Getting Wii U Arcade Stick, Without Tekken Branding

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.11.2012 3

UK Getting Wii U Arcade Stick, Without Tekken Branding on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Last week peripheral maker Hori confirmed that the Japan market will get a Wii U arcade stick - a similar version is heading to the UK.

The configuration outside the Japanese market will be very slightly different face, lacking the Tekken branding but keeping all the face button, control switches and Wii buttons intact. There currently aren't any plans to bring the Tekken edition to the UK, however.

The controller is now available on Amazon UK for a £59.99 RRP tag - available from 10th December, perfect for launch fighter Tekken Tag Tournament 2: Wii U Edition.

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Well hopefully Capcom or Namco will give us one here in the states. I'm sure this one works well enough but there's something pleasing about using an item that's Official!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

It would be very nice if one comes to America.

I will buy this seeing as though it's black and unbranded, the earlier Hori Wii joystick discoloured to a murky yellow very quickly, and it required the Wii Remote, which was crap.

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