Find your Wii U Demo Kiosk in North America

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.11.2012 3

Find your Wii U Demo Kiosk in North America on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Living in North America? Chances are there'll be a playable dedicated Wii U console in a store near you.

With less than two weeks to go before Nintendo's potentially biggest console launch to date, Nintendo want as many fans as possible to grab hold of the GamePad and try out a handful of demos. The new controller gives all sorts of new ways to play, some more direct than others, and is definitely one to go hands-on with to  fully understand how it all works.

Locations include Best Buy, GameStop, Walmart and Toys 'R' Us - some will contain playable demos, others will rely on videos to get the message across.

To find your nearest Wii U, pop a zipcode  on the Wii U events page.

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I went to a huge Media Markt store in Utrecht (NL), but they didn't have a demo unit yet. Smilie

The one in our store only has one demo. :/

But it's still awesome!

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

The Target 10 minutes from my house has one, but the only game that they had playable was Rayman. It was still very fun though. I went to the GameStop first, and they didn't have one yet. haha

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

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