This Week's Nintendo Wii U, 3DS Deals and Offers - 04/11/2012

By Cubed3 Autobot 04.11.2012 6

This Week

Everyone loves a good video game bargain, but it can be tricky to grab a good deal on the latest titles. Fear not Nintendo fans, for our resident robot C3bot has scoured the internet for the lowest prices.

So without futher adieu, here are the latest deals and lowest online prices for Wii U, 3DS games, consoles and accessories.

For more Nintendo games, have a browse of the Cubed3 Shop - prices checked daily.

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        As soon as I find a WiiU pro pad for £30 or less I'll get one. Smilie

        Oh, Tekken is £27 at Zavvi, that's where I preordered my copy.

        ( Edited 04.11.2012 07:26 by Phoenom )

        Phoenom said:
        As soon as I find a WiiU pro pad for £30 or less I'll get one. Smilie

        Oh, Tekken is £27 at Zavvi, that's where I preordered my copy.

        I also preordered Tekken at Zavvi. Smilie We'll have to have a few fights when we get it!

        Mario Bros is seriously lowest at £44? Geez.
        If anyone finds it for under £35 lemme know, I really don't want to buy it for over that considering the kind of game it is.

        Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

        Ah right - will add Zavvi to the list, cheers guys Smilie Shopto have some good deals on but I've had problems/errors with their links for some reason.

        Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

        SuperLink said:
        Mario Bros is seriously lowest at £44? Geez.
        If anyone finds it for under £35 lemme know, I really don't want to buy it for over that considering the kind of game it is.

        Not ordered from them before.

        Anyone buying mario bros for £44.99 needs to be locked away for their own good.

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