Shin'en Praises Wii U Visual and CPU Capabilities

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.11.2012 3


German studio Shin'en recently praised the Nintendo Wii U's setup, ease of use and efficiency in an interview.

The folk behind Jett Rocket, Nano Assault and FAST: Racing League are renowned for pushing the visual capabilities of the Wii, and are currently working on versions of Nano Assault for the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS.

Speaking to Not Enough Shaders (via GoNintendo), the studio spoke on why developing for Nintendo's upcoming home console has been "without any slowdowns" without optimisation.

The performance problem of hardware nowadays is not clock speed but ram latency. Fortunately Nintendo took great efforts to ensure developers can really work around that typical bottleneck on Wii U.

They put a lot of thought on how CPU, GPU, caches and memory controllers work together to amplify your code speed. For instance, with only some tiny changes we were able to optimize certain heavy load parts of the rendering pipeline to 6x of the original speed, and that was even without using any of the extra cores.

Shin'en's Manfred Linzner praised the hardware's "potential for optimizing" and how on the advanced Wii U tech developers can "take many different approaches to tackle a problem. Fortunately you already have lots of power at hands without digging deeper."

Linzner also drew comparisons between the 3DS and Wii GPU, with the portable "very specialised", whilst the Wii U being "quite open... Both can generate great visuals and have lots of options."

Finally, Shin'en confirmed that an unannounced Wii U project is in the works and will be announced early next year.

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I'm personally hoping for a fast racing league sequel. All the original needed was characters/story, online multiplayer/leaderboards and powersliding.

Nanostray 3 please.

Good news!

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