Miyamoto Asks F-Zero Fans: What do you Want?

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.11.2012 9

Miyamoto Asks F-Zero Fans: What do you Want? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Shigeru Miyamoto recently sat down to talk about Nintendo's franchises on the Wii U, including fan favourite, F-Zero.

Speaking to Gamekult (translation NeoGAF), the man behind many of Nintendo's iconic franchises was quizzed on one of the company's slightly neglected names, F-Zero.

Would fans see a new entry on the Wii U, and Miyamoto is pleased with the commitment to the futuristic racer, however he feels that the series hasn't evolved too much and had felt people had grown weary of F-Zero.

Earlier this year Miyamoto expressed uncertainty about a revival on the Wii U, because there isn't a "similar surprise" that gamers could feel with a simple graphic upgrade.

Thank you very much, try to wait by playing Nintendo Land's F-Zero mini-game. Why F-Zero? What do you [the fans] want that we haven't done before?"

Would you like to zip along futuristic racetracks with Captain Falcon and co. on the Wii U?

Box art for F-Zero








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F-Zero GX style gameplay with 30 player online multiplayer would be pretty impressive. It would also be pretty cool to see story mode get an expansion. Maybe have a darker tone to it. Maybe have the option to play in first person on the wii u controller whilst the main screen shows a cinematic view of the race so other people watching you play will have something spectacular to watch. It would also be cool if they added madworld style commentators(maybe toned down a bit) give it a deathrace vibe. 

F-Zero GX is fantastic. Bring back the X Cup from F-Zero X that generated random levels, spruce up the graphics, cool new levels, more great music, and include online multiplayer. The levels could be more dynamic, too, I suppose. Maybe a new F-Zero could be promoted as a competitive tournament game. That'd be cool and I'd be willing to watch F-Zero matches (like that Shootmania game that's in the works). It'd probably be great publicity for Nintendo, too.

Ooooh...that'd all make me so happy.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Earlier this year Miyamoto expressed uncertainty about a revival on the Wii U, because there isn't a "similar surprise" that gamers could feel with a simple graphic upgrade.

Quite true, GX was pretty much the pinnacle of the series, only a 30 player online mode could really improve it, and F-Zero as a series doesn't sell anywhere near well enough to warrant that kind of effort. Would like to see it though. Smilie

Full online would probably be enough to justify a Wii U version. Add a ladder, make it a good eSport game!
Enable map making (next to the random map thing). Give a good story based single player campaign.
Oh and I love that play-on-the-Pad and show-off-on-the-TV thing!

So they make a new Mario Kart every few years, but can't come up with anything for F-Zero in the last 8 (?) years? Smilie

I guess they feel they can justify a new Mario Kart due to whatever gimmick they throw into each version - Double Dash had the partner racers, Wii had the bikes, 3DS the multi vehicles.

It's a shame Nintendo feel they have to constantly innovate in order to release a game - the market I think is there for F-Zero, and they haven't done online nor second pad play with it, plus they could perhaps explore undersea racing or something a little different. Mix up the environments a bit more, add a track builder etc.

JayUK said:
Maybe have the option to play in first person on the wii u controller whilst the main screen shows a cinematic view of the race so other people watching you play will have something spectacular to watch.

Brilliant idea - would be good for F-Zero and a variety of other games too. Imagine playing Zelda on the pad, whilst the rest watch the experience with multiple angles and no HUD on the big screen. Game changer right there!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:

Brilliant idea - would be good for F-Zero and a variety of other games too. Imagine playing Zelda on the pad, whilst the rest watch the experience with multiple angles and no HUD on the big screen. Game changer right there!

 I was thinking along similar lines for Zelda anyway. Have the entire HUD shown on the pad, but play the game in a cinematic fashion on the TV. It might be annoying to have to continuously look at the pad for HUD information, but what's shown on the TV would be aesthetically amazing.

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30 players simultaneous online races, a much more refined "build you own ship" function, user created HD skins for their ships, gyroscope controls... It's not that hard to imagine

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I think if Nintendo are genuinely worried about the level of interest in a new F-Zero game, they should release F-Zero GX HD with online leaderboards and basic online multiplayer. Release it as a downloadable title, if it sells well green light a proper sequel.  I personally think theres more interest in a new big budget F-Zero game than a new Starfox(as much as I'd love to see Treasure give it a whirl). 

( Edited 04.11.2012 19:59 by JayUK )

How about having a FZero game with huge open eviroments? An Adventure mode like DKR, but with the chessyawesome cutscenes from GX.

Imagine racing after people at highspeed accross epic future landscapes.

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