What if Grand Theft Auto Met The Legend of Zelda and Metroid?

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.10.2012 8

What if Grand Theft Auto Met The Legend of Zelda and Metroid? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Have a copy of Grand Theft Auto IV on the PC? Why not explore the world with Link or Samus?

One modder has decided to shed protagonist Niko Bellic's clothes in favour of various different skins - including the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Samus, Link from The Legend of Zelda, and even Mario. These can be downloaded and applied to the main game to have your favourite cast wandering around the city streets with a sword or space blaster.



Via Kotaku.

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Epic! That would make me play GTA, a series i have not played since GTA 3!

Likewise, I've yet to play GTA IV for a decent amount of time and this would definitely sway me - despite being a costume/hack.

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I havent played a Tekken game in yonks but the Wii U one is very tempting!

Flynnie said:
I havent played a Tekken game in yonks but the Wii U one is very tempting!
It's only £28 on Zavvi, cheaper than both the 360 and PS3 versions. I preordered it just because it looks awesome.

Mush said:
Flynnie said:
I havent played a Tekken game in yonks but the Wii U one is very tempting!
It's only £28 on Zavvi, cheaper than both the 360 and PS3 versions. I preordered it just because it looks awesome.

I've preordered my Wii U but mainly wanna play Nintendo land, i'd wait for anything else in the mean time. I'd like to play Tekken but can't warrant purchasing it!

If you ask me Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is the best Tekken game, insane amounts of content, very polished and fun and amazing.
I'm not sure what you mean when you say you haven't played Tekken in yonks but if you mean the recent ones haven't been as good to you then don't worry cause TTT2 is veRY GOOD..

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SuperLink said:
If you ask me Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is the best Tekken game, insane amounts of content, very polished and fun and amazing.
I'm not sure what you mean when you say you haven't played Tekken in yonks but if you mean the recent ones haven't been as good to you then don't worry cause TTT2 is veRY GOOD..
I think I'd say Tekken 3 was my favourite, but that was my last Tekken game since Tekken 6. Hopefully I'll really enjoy TTT2. Smilie Looks fantastic, especially with the Wii U exclusive stuff.

SuperLink said:
If you ask me Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is the best Tekken game, insane amounts of content, very polished and fun and amazing.
I'm not sure what you mean when you say you haven't played Tekken in yonks but if you mean the recent ones haven't been as good to you then don't worry cause TTT2 is veRY GOOD..

Yonks meaning a long time..the last one was probably Tekken 5. The whole beat'em'up genre isn't really a forte of mine, i tend to get bored quite quickly. I like playing a bit of Street Fighter 2 every now and again, and of course addicted to Smash but i've tried Tekken, Mortal Kombat, Soul Calibur and DOA and just never really get around to spending that long with them (except Soul Calibur 2)

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