Open the Nintendo Wii U and See its Brains

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.10.2012 8

Open the Nintendo Wii U and See its Brains on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With just over a month before the Wii U arrives in the West, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata took the lid off the console, literally.

In the latest roundtable session with Iwata, the hardware team discuss the Wii U development process and how efficiency, size and power consumption were key in developing the processing guts of the beast.

Although the Gamepad controller is the star of the show, it wouldn't be half as effective without the console itself. With an advancement in spec, Nintendo didn't want to have to enlarge the Wii U's size too much, and by combining components into a single board, it's lowered power use and production costs.

Image for Open the Nintendo Wii U and See its Brains

The Wii U's motherboard is unlike the Wii and GameCube's - instead of a separate unit for the CPU and GPU, the two sit nicely on a multi chip module (MCM) - with these components sourced from multiple companies - IBM, ATI and Renesas.

A more powerful console does equal more heat produced and so both the heat sink and fan have increased in size. The team spent over 2000 hours ensuring that the Wii U keeps cool, quiet and well ventilated.

Image for Open the Nintendo Wii U and See its Brains

The structure and need to differentiate the Wii from the Wii U has lead the new console to sit horizontally by default, however Nintendo has devised a stand to get it working vertically as well.

In terms of case design, the Wii U has all its useful bits at the front - the sync button, USB ports and game cards are housed at the front, with a lid that opens inwards instead of popping out.

Image for Open the Nintendo Wii U and See its Brains

From the point of view of design, we didn't just simply apply the latest technology to improve performance. We decreased power consumption and made the casing smaller, so I think this console achieves a good balance between performance, power and chip size. 

And, expecting that this would be a device that would allow people to experience much more than playing games, from the very beginning of development of Wii U, we adopted a policy of increasing the main memory capacity. 

And another thing I would like to point out is how it comes with an HDMI cable as a standard accessory, included with purchase of every Wii U console. We want as many people as possible to enjoy HD images.

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I want a see through Wii U now.

( Edited 11.10.2012 18:16 by Stulaw )

Iwata: Oh! It's clear! Cool!
Everyone: (laughs)
Iwata: You've got to sell this to me! (laughs)
Everyone: (laughs)

Iwata is simply awesome! Smilie

This interview reiterates what I love about Nintendo. They maybe behind at times specs wise and in certain areas (like online up until the 3DS), but hardware quality is something that they do incredibly well - much more so than Microsoft or Sony.

Wii, GameCube, 3DS etc - they all last. My N64's been battered, bruised and shoved in a manner of draws, boxes etc - still works perfectly. Controllers too are in decent condition. The testing, need for efficiency and a high quality end product is why Nintendo is a reliable company to buy from.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Certainly strange but refreshing to see Nintendo talk about hardware specs.

So that's two transparent machine models they've shown off now. Are they intentionally trying to annoy me? Smilie

Nintendoro (guest) 11.10.2012#5

So small and yet powerful. Now that's what Japanese are good at. How about you do the same, Microsoft

Nintendo makes reliable hardware. That's without question. I've been through at least four or five different Xbox 360s. I've never had to replace a Nintendo console.

Also, see-through cases are cool. Let me buy one, Nintendo Smilie

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

I think the Wii Disc drive is a bit more fragile than anything they've ever made...but on the whole and compared to its competitors i have to say that Ninty have my trust when it comes to making a sturdy console and accessories. 

Some of my N64 joysticks are a little stiff though...Smilie

It's a thing of beauty really.

Hoj Pip

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