New Trailer and Screens for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.10.2012 7

New Trailer and Screens for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Land, sea or air, Sonic the Hedgehog will be there. See the various game modes and features of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.

The sequel to the SEGA racer once again sees Sonic the Hedgehog, Tails, Beat, AiAi, Amigo, NiGHTS and various other characters compete in a bid to be the fastest on the racing circuit, but also seeing their vehicles morph into planes and boats to combat new terrain. The latest trailer covers the various modes on offer - including local splitscreen - plus a new challenge feature.

New screens also confirm Ulala as a playable character.

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed is a Wii U launch title in Europe.


Image for New Trailer and Screens for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
Image for New Trailer and Screens for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
Image for New Trailer and Screens for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
Image for New Trailer and Screens for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
Box art for Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Please tell me Ryo Hazuki is going to be in this.

Marzy said:
Please tell me Ryo Hazuki is going to be in this.

I've been worried about that lately too, it would be utterly bizarre if he wasn't.. he was such a popular addition in the original.

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I've been daring a racing game to dethrone DKR since 98, and MAYBE this is it. 


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toddblend (guest) 05.10.2012#4

LMFAO I'm just dying on the fact that Sega made Sonic a super fast character in their history of Sonic running and to put him in a vehicle just makes no sense at all. He can out run it but who am I to say he can't. I stopped playing Sonic games after Sonic 4 and never bought the new ones after those. Sonic 1-4 on Sega will always be the best of Sonic games ever made. Best of luck to Sega and thanks for giving us those type of Sonic games back then.

toddblend (guest) said:
LMFAO I'm just dying on the fact that Sega made Sonic a super fast character in their history of Sonic running and to put him in a vehicle just makes no sense at all. He can out run it but who am I to say he can't.

SEGA revealed the reason for this Smilie
Sonic is in vehicles because he is a stand up guy and wants to keep the races fair and fun!

Which is a fair point! Besides, who cares, as long as it's a good game? I've yet to play it, but it's looking like a real contender for one of the best kart-type games; right up there with Diddy Kong Racing and Crash Team Racing. We shall see, though.

Sonic 1-4 on Sega will always be the best of Sonic games ever made.
Sonic 4, really? It's decent, sure, but best ever? Unless you're calling Sonic & Knuckles 'Sonic 4?'

Edit: Ah, your "on Sega" bit makes me think you mean the first four Sonics on the Sega Mega Drive, so I get you now ;P

( Edited 05.10.2012 19:45 by Azuardo )

This is looking and sounding pretty good, may pick up the Wii U version some time. Definitely not at launch though, for one there's too many other games I'll be buying and I also want to read some reviews first to make sure they have definitely fixed the framerate issue.

Jay (guest) 05.10.2012#7

cool that vyse from skies of arcadia made the cut, dunno if he was in the original.

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