Fresh New Monster Hunter 4 Details and Footage from TGS

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.09.2012 3

Fresh New Monster Hunter 4 Details and Footage from TGS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom lifted the lid on the next mainline entry in the popular Monster Hunter series for 3DS at this year's TGS.

The Japanese game studio took the stage to present the newest incarnation of the all-action franchise, a revamped yet familiar setup that once again sees players venturing into the wildness to slay an array of menacing beasts. With a similar premise to past games, Monster Hunter 4 does come with some refinements - the ability to pounce off walls with a jump, ride huge beasts and come victim to a Dragon Virus.

According to Kotaku, hunters will be able to attack boss monsters and hardness them whilst in mid air to ride about - until shaken off. A deadly virus also comes into play when attacked directly by specific beasts, preventing healing until a player strikes back at the inflicting foe. For overcoming the virus, players can improve chances of getting a critical hit. Nifty, yet deadly!


Weapon wise, the TGS session also reveals a "bug stick" that's used to inflict damage by controlling a horde of tiny insects to inflect damage on a monster and bring back its remains to improve your own body - better speed, improved armour etc.

Monster Hunter 4 will slay exclusively on Nintendo 3DS in January next year.

Box art for Monster Hunter 4








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Flying/riding instead of swimming... hm ok I guess. I still don't see why they'd throw out swimming altogether!

cg sasuke (guest) 22.09.2012#2

they didn't want to over shadow WiiU tri3u/3ds or wii tri3 because they have swimming in them. better to start something new and if you miss swimming just pop the old tri's in for that. Any way still butt hurt that my old data and online HR wont transfer over to the remakes. I think its the fact the Accio hacks can affect it. Just picture some one that will have 99 of everything by the hack and then save his file and transfer over to the remake. Giving him the power to beat the game easily and cheat. So capcom are not dumb. But still maybe can at least transfer online HR cos I don't like trying to max out 999 from level 0 again.

Canyarion said:
Flying/riding instead of swimming... hm ok I guess. I still don't see why they'd throw out swimming altogether!

Alot of veteran hunters didn't quite like swimming aswell as custom bowguns. I loved those parts of Tri but alot of the people who've been playing since MH1 on ps2 weren't all that interested.

cg sasuke (guest) said:
they didn't want to over shadow WiiU tri3u/3ds or wii tri3 because they have swimming in them. better to start something new and if you miss swimming just pop the old tri's in for that. Any way still butt hurt that my old data and online HR wont transfer over to the remakes. I think its the fact the Accio hacks can affect it. Just picture some one that will have 99 of everything by the hack and then save his file and transfer over to the remake. Giving him the power to beat the game easily and cheat. So capcom are not dumb. But still maybe can at least transfer online HR cos I don't like trying to max out 999 from level 0 again.

Meh, I don't think it's about overshadowing exactly. Alot of the fans didn't like the underwater fighting they said it felt clumsy. I liked it though because even if you didnt feel you was at your best underwater, the fight of trying to stop a monster from getting back in the sea was fun.

As far as HR and having a hack to bring data over to a different game goes, it doesn't matter either way. Your HR only shows how long you've been playing and grants you the ability to do higher quests for plus materials other than that it's meaningless. The people who hack for equipment on the other hand aren't that great anyway, MH is a series where you can have all the end game weapons and armor but if you don't know how to utilize them against a monster you'll still triple cart.

I think the MH freedom series allows character transfers from one to two but the online thing you obtain from that is 100k zenny and tickets for quick high rarity on weapons you've forged in the prequel.

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