Nintendo Bags Bayonetta 2 as a Wii U Exclusive

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.09.2012 13

Nintendo Bags Bayonetta 2 as a Wii U Exclusive on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Those who want a bigger slice of the Bayonetta action can grab an new chunk on Wii U with the sequel confirmed as an exclusive.

Popped into a myriad of announcements during Nintendo Direct today, developer Platinum Games teased the sequel to the popular Xbox 360/PS3 action title in development for Nintendo's new system, alongside The Wonderful 101.

The studio previously created the slightly gory Madworld for Wii and Infinite Space on the DS.

Bayonetta 2 will slice it's way exclusively Wii U with Nintendo this time acting as publisher instead of SEGA.

Here's a short teaser trailer for the new game:


Are you a fan of Bayonetta? Are you looking forward to the Wii U sequel?

Box art for Bayonetta 2








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Now this is a strong third party exclusive if I ever saw one, the first was amazing and people have been wanting a second for a while.

With games like Rayman Legends, Monster Hunter and this, the third party lineup is already looking pretty strong indeed.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I was waiting for something like this. While ZombiU and NSMB WiiU do seem like good games, they don't sell the system to me. But now that this is an exclusive...

Hopefully Nintendo continue to support Capcom's biggest mistake.

The original is on my list of "To-buy" PS3 games and I would most likely be totally hyped if I already played it.

Great job there Nintendo, great job.

I've actually heard that this was in development before but lacked funding/support from Sega and Nintendo stepped in? If there's anything to that, even more awesome.

SirLink said:
I've actually heard that this was in development before but lacked funding/support from Sega and Nintendo stepped in? If there's anything to that, even more awesome.

Also quite likely, SEGA have been in quite a bit of financial trouble lately.

It'd be really nice if Nintendo and SEGA entered a really strong partnership over the coming years, especially after rumours that the next Sonic project is being handled by both inhouse SEGA and Nintendo.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
It'd be really nice if Nintendo and SEGA entered a really strong partnership over the coming years, especially after rumours that the next Sonic project is being handled by both inhouse SEGA and Nintendo.

You never know, the unthinkable thing in the 90's might happen and Nintendo might actually buy SEGA.

Stulaw said:

You never know, the unthinkable thing in the 90's might happen and Nintendo might actually buy SEGA.

I think Nintendo and SEGA would work best together too, still a lot of people would be sad about that. It'd be.. a huge move on both sides to say the least, it'd create quite a ripple in the industry.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

wtf? Amazing news for Nintendo.

I not long ago played Bayonetta for the first time a few months back and loved it. A more refined version of Devil May Cry, which says something.

Monkey D Super (guest) 13.09.2012#8

Never been a Bayonetta fan but I was still taken by surprise by this. I strongly doubt it will stay as a Wii U exclusive forever but still, man, didn't see this one coming. Kudos Ninty.
If the Wii U didn't have a strong third party lineup before it does have one now.

I love it.

Monkey D Super (guest) said:
I strongly doubt it will stay as a Wii U exclusive forever

Nintendo is the publisher, so it will.

It won't come to other consoles, SEGA don't have the money to fund or publish a big game like this.

This game can only exist because of Nintendo.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

WOW!! This is the type of third party exclusive that the WiiU needed. It should hopefully bring over people over from Sony and Microsoft camps. I was still a little let down that Nintendo didn't announce a major game themselves. Hopefully the WiiU ends up like the 3DS, strong initial third party push, with first party games releasing consistently.

Monkey D Super (guest) 15.09.2012#13


Yes, it is Nintendo exclusive for now, but in the future, when Sega will have the money to fund and publish games like Bayonetta again, one can expect they will port this game to PS3 (or 4) and 360 (or 720). They still owns the rights to the IP.

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