Final Fantasy I, II, III to Become a Novel

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.09.2012 4

Final Fantasy I, II, III to Become a Novel on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Aside from deep combat, meaty items, spells and potions, Final Fantasy is also known for its memorable storylines. The first three games are now getting novelised.

As part of Square Enix's 25th anniversary celebrations for Final Fantasy, the RPG giant will be releasing a nifty book that describes the events of the first three titles as a novel. Queue a world filled with elemental power, numerous races of humans, elves, mermaids, dragons and even robots.

The games were originally released on the NES, and localised/remade on the Nintendo DS more recently.

Final Fantasy I, II, III Memory of Heroes is due out this fall in Japan. It's unknown whether there will be translated versions in other languages.

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Interesting. Not sure whether it would make it into my reading list if it was translated though...

I wasn't aware there was enough story in 1 & 2 to merit a book. I can understand the third game though.

Even if a lot of the story sucks, you can think of it as grinding to get to the next chapter.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Whoa I wonder if they'll give names to the Light Warriors from FFI and III.

Unless they used the names from the DS version of III.

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Agreed with above - 1 and 2 don't have stories to speak of. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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