Japan Gets New Pikachu Themed 3DS in Yellow

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.08.2012 6

Japan Gets New Pikachu Themed 3DS in Yellow on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has announced a new 3DS colour with a twist - a yellow flavour with help from an old friend.

Coming exclusively to the Pokémon Centre in Japan, the Pikachu Yellow 3DS will don your favourite electric mouse on one side, cheery cheeks and all, with his tail spanning the base. The inner part and hinge will be white, according to Andriasang. It includes a white stylus, accessories and will go for the standard ¥18,900 Japanese retail price.

Image for Japan Gets New Pikachu Themed 3DS in Yellow

Pre-orders will run from 25 August until 14 September, with the system available September 15 to those who order in advance.

What do you think of Nintendo's latest dip into yellow?

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themazemonster (guest) 18.08.2012#1

i am a huge pokemon fan... but meh on this.. the camera lenses make it look like pikachu is wearing a bra... Smilie

and the yellow and white doesn't thrill me.... i'd have rather seen yellow and black... Smilie

^ That's quite true actually, or that he has rather stinky armpits! Should have been all yellow - stylus and all.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

It's also extremely odd that they chose to have Pikachu be upside down while the 3DS is open.

Yellow is my favorite color, and Pikachu is actually one of my favorite Pokemon, but I'd still be disappointed with this design.

The Pikachu DS Lite is 10x cooler.

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

The two nipples are disgusting!

I know right

Canyarion said:
The two nipples are disgusting!

Could have been worse - now picture him with three nipples...oh my. Smilie

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