ZombiU GamesCom Trailer Teaches the Rules of Survival

By Az Elias 14.08.2012 3

ZombiU GamesCom Trailer Teaches the Rules of Survival on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ubisoft has today shown a brand new trailer for the Wii U's upcoming survival horror game ZombiU.

Set in the zombie apocalyptic city of London, players must try to keep themselves alive using any means necessary. Failure to do so results in the player taking control of a different random survivor in the game. Using the features of the Wii U GamePad, players can scan areas and objects and snatch loot with a few finger presses.

This latest trailer shows some storyline hints plus new gameplay footage, with the voice of a man providing tips on how to survive in the undead world.

For more detailed impressions of ZombiU, give our preview a read.

Box art for ZombiU








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Was that ending really necessary? Haha I want this game.

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

Might be a good game, but it's not much of a demenstration of the WiiUs power. Wasn't impressed by it.

Trepe said:
Might be a good game, but it's not much of a demenstration of the WiiUs power. Wasn't impressed by it.

You're quite correct regarding the new story trailer but it's an old build of a new demo. Cast your mind back to the difference between the E3 2012 Nursery demo and the Comic Con Nursery demo a month later.

Although some people may not be aware the Comic Con Nursery demo and trailers have dynamic lighting and shadows, radiosity, texture detail, AA, ansiotropic filtering and v-synch beyond anything the PS3 and 360 are capable of, and the final game will be the same.

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