Disney Pixar's Brave on Nintendo Wii and DS

By Adam Riley 10.08.2012 1

Disney Pixar

Brave: The Video Game, inspired by the Disney•Pixar movie "Brave," is now available for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, Nintendo DS and Windows PC/MAC.  Brave: The Video Game offers fans the chance to continue the story of the film and relive highlights from Merida's heroic journey to undo a beastly curse before it's too late.  Players can go on new adventures and experience non-stop action as they run, jump and battle their way through the rugged landscape of mythical and mysterious Scotland.
Brave: The Video Game is a third person action-adventure where players can challenge destiny and change their fate, while playing as Merida who is voiced by the film's actress, Kelly Macdonald.  By utilising their wits and bravery, players will face off against fierce enemies to end an ancient curse and save the kingdom.  In addition, they will be able to go on quests through a mystical world and solve puzzles to uncover secrets.

"The exciting action-adventure gameplay that takes place in Brave: The Video Game expands the tale beyond the movie's storyline, giving fans both a fun and engaging gaming experience," said Javier Ferreira, Senior Vice President of Publishing, Disney Interactive Media Group. "Brave: The Video Game allows players to truly be part of this exciting fantasy adventure, full of the rich storytelling heritage and quality that Disney•Pixar does best."

Brave: The Video Game offers a variety of gameplay options, including single-player as Merida, co-op mode with a will o' the wisp, and a special Bear mode.  Several new opponents created exclusively for the game will challenge the player throughout the experience, culminating with an ultimate boss battle to complete the adventure. 
With Kinect for Xbox 360 and PlayStation®Move motion controller for PS3 gamers will feel like they are using a bow and arrow to compete in archery for a truly immersive experience. The Nintendo DS game is filled with its own exciting missions and a myriad of characters to engage the single-player.  
Brave: The Video Game is available now for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii, Nintendo DS and Windows PC/MAC.


Disney Publishing UK has also released two new apps inspired by Brave - the "Brave Storybook Deluxe" and "Brave Interactive Comic," which both incorporate dynamic animation and interactive content as readers follow the story of Princess Merida, who defies a custom that brings chaos to her kingdom and must rely on her bravery to undo a beastly curse.
"The Brave Storybook Deluxe" is available for £4.99 and "Brave Interactive Comic" is available for £1.49 from the App Store on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

Box art for Brave: The Video Game








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Movie was all right, by no means a Pixar classic, but dang, that first pic up there is off the chain! I love it when art uses negative space in creative ways.

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