Capcom Tease Upcoming Wii U Projects

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.08.2012 14

Capcom Tease Upcoming Wii U Projects on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom's Christian Svensson has reiterated plans for Wii U development when recently quizzed by fans.

Capcom have been a solid supporter of the DS and Wii in the past, yet there have been a lack of key multiplatform titles. With the Wii U coming into play, fans have been vocal as to bringing the likes of Marvel vs Capcom and Resident Evil 6 to the platform; yet the company have kept schtum.

The man behind many of Capcom's announcements and inner-workings as senior vice-president teased that "some good stuff is coming"; but Capcom have to "keep it a surprise" for now.

What Capcom franchises and upcoming multiplatform games would you like to see hit Wii U?

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Cris (guest) 07.08.2012#1

UMVC 3 please

Monkey D Super (guest) 07.08.2012#2

Meh, call me when Ono and Capcom finaly reveal Darkstalkers 4 (instead of just 'hinting' it all the time) regardless of whatever consoles it will be on...Smilie

Something new please Smilie <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Resident Evil 6 would be much appreciated, as would them not unleashing a hoard of rail shooters at me. But knowing Capcom, I'm half expecting a plethora of remakes and ports (Dead Rising, Resident Evil Chronicles Collection, Operation Raccoon City blah blah blah).

A surprise 'Monster Hunter U' would be pretty cool.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

Capcom vs. SNK 3 please!

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Okami and Okamiden re-made to support the WiiUPad please.

Umbrella Chronicles 3! Smilie

Actually a Monster Hunter 4 would be really really huge in my eyes. I loved 3, I can only imagine what MH will look like in HD.

Fenixazul (guest) 08.08.2012#8

they are going to release mediocre spin-offs or experimental games that will have low sales and then they will say. "We tried but it seems that in the Wii U we dont have the appropiate market, there are not current plans for now to relase one of our major games on the console" mejh

Release RE6 or one of your Capcom VS series on the console, otherwise I am not interested

Fenixazul (guest) said:
they are going to release mediocre spin-offs or experimental games that will have low sales and then they will say. "We tried but it seems that in the Wii U we dont have the appropiate market, there are not current plans for now to relase one of our major games on the console" mejh

Release RE6 or one of your Capcom VS series on the console, otherwise I am not interested

Shhh!!! You're gonna jinx it!! *crosses fingers and hopes history doesn't repeat itself*

Chance favors the prepared mind.
cg (guest) 08.08.2012#10

A remake of Sengoku Basara 2/Heroes translation for the WiiU with online play, better graphics and more modes would be awesome. Giving that they gave us part 3 and skipped all the rest was a not a wise move.

Canyarion said:
Umbrella Chronicles 3! Smilie

Actually a Monster Hunter 4 would be really really huge in my eyes. I loved 3, I can only imagine what MH will look like in HD.

Isn't Monster Hunter 4 confirmed for 3DS already?

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

justonesp00lturn said:Isn't Monster Hunter 4 confirmed for 3DS already?

Yup, I'm hoping they have plans for an HD version on Wii U like they did with Portable 3rd on Ps3.

( Edited 12.08.2012 04:14 by J Tangle )

J Tangle said:
justonesp00lturn said:Isn't Monster Hunter 4 confirmed for 3DS already?

Yup, I'm hoping they have plans for an HD version on Wii U like they did with Portable 3rd on Ps3.

That would be nice, but so far they aren't even bringing Tri for 3DS out of Japan, let alone 4 for either system. But hey, there's always Tokyo Game Show.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

newest DMC and RE collection (or at least 6) would make me happy. No more on-rails shooters, please! i hate on-rails games.

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