The lead designer behind well-received Wii RPG The Last Story recently praised the Wii U GamePad for JRPGs.
Takuya Matsumoto was asked by Siliconera this week on if he had any ideas for Wii U development, taking into account the new GamePad screen. Matsumoto felt that the interface "works best for browsing and arranging information".
The designer also described how the touch screen could be used to find a "monster's weak point, or, like with a car's GPS, as a tool to understand battlefield conditions on a sub screen".
Going forward with the Wii U system as a whole, Matsumoto notes that "saving information gathered during gameplay, adding to your own character's memories and experiences" would be ideal for the setup, sharing these with fellow adventurers on the Miiverse system.
The Last Story performed exceptionally well with critics and fans, winning over our own resident RPG connoisseur Adam Riley in the Cubed3 9/10 review.
How would you like to see the Wii U GamePad utitlised in future JRPGs?