FIFA 13 Scores on Wii U, GamePad Features Detailed

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.08.2012 2

FIFA 13 Scores on Wii U, GamePad Features Detailed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Footy fans wanting a Wii U can leap off their seats today: FIFA 13 has been confirmed for the new console.

The appearance of the popular sporting sim is practically a given, yet it won't be a standard port either. According to the Official Nintendo Magazine, the Wii U version will boast a handful of nifty GamePad-exclusive features.

  • Touchscreen player switching betwen attackers, defenders to either mark or tackle - giving an extra layer of control and precision.
  • Touchscreen passing between players on the field.
  • When rushing towards the opponent, the touchscreen can show an image of the goal and you can tap for placement.
  • The Manager Hub is shown on the GamePad screen - stats for each player, shot directions, half-time talks and tactics.
  • Free kicks are handheld by looking through the kick tacker's eyes - moving the GamePad around to see where other members of your team are positioned.


What do you think of the Wii U exclusive features for FIFA 13?

Box art for FIFA 13
Also known as

FIFA Soccer 13









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This has the potential to be the best version, i don't want it to be too gimmicky, but being able to do the tactics without your opponent seeing your actions on the Wii U pad will make it great.

Flynnie said:
This has the potential to be the best version, i don't want it to be too gimmicky, but being able to do the tactics without your opponent seeing your actions on the Wii U pad will make it great.

Yes, the best version of FIFA 12 reworked. It's lacking the same game engine that 360 and PS3 version use, none of the physics and animation EA showed at E3 will be present, despite what this idiot says. He's lying: "parity at a core level" - BS.

I'll be getting the 360 version, I've already played FIFA 12, which is what this is, at the core level.

( Edited 07.08.2012 11:29 by Linkyshinks )

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