Crytek Working With Nintendo, Talks Crysis 3

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.07.2012 14

Crytek Working With Nintendo, Talks Crysis 3 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

German developer Crytek was recently quizzed on whether Crysis 3 would touch down on Wii U.

In an interview with CVG earlier this week, the game's producer Mike Read noted that the third installment in the poppular FPS series could appear on the new Nintendo console at somepoint.

I wouldn't rule it out, but there has really been no official releases associated with the Wii U yet, and given that we're releasing Crysis in an eight month time period in February of 2013, we can't play off of what their schedules are. I wouldn't rule it out, but you know, it is a possibility.

What Read was able to tease though, was that Crytek is "working with Nintendo" in some capacity, but leaves us wondering as to what.

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Honestly even if it's just lending help to High Voltage with The Conduit 3 I'd be happy.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Meh, can't we just forget about The Conduit? It was an honourable but poor attempt at a Wii FPS. The story is generic, the levels were incredibly boring, the weapons were ok at best. The framerate made me so dizzy I couldn't play it for more than 30 minutes at a time.

But Crysis makes good stuff, so I want to know what they're up to. Maybe they're optimizing their Crytek Engine for Wii U as an alternative for UE4?

That'd be very nice as well...but I'm still holding out for a Conduit 3. The weapons were fun, story original & with the Wii U not suffering techwise the gameplay will be great. The Conduit is the CLOSEST THING consoles have to PC FPS perfection...duel sticks just aren't good enough.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Nintendo are most likely helping them to get CryEngine3 running as best as it can on WiiU.

( Edited 30.07.2012 18:45 by Linkyshinks )

What Read was able to tease though, was that Crytek is "working with Nintendo" in some capacity, but leaves us wondering as to what.

Hopefully not casual tat. I could well imagine Crytek wanting to get their fingers in that particular pie.

I'm still holding out for a Conduit 3. The weapons were fun, story original & with the Wii U not suffering techwise the gameplay will be great. The Conduit is the CLOSEST THING consoles have to PC FPS perfection...duel sticks just aren't good enough.

Most people would disagree with you. The Conduit sucked balls. As for the dual sticks thing, just map the dual sticks of a quality FPS game, and hey-presto. A good shooter with motion controls, versus a bad shooter with motion controls.

Still, YOU KNOW games, don't you? Haha.

( Edited 30.07.2012 19:08 by Martin_ )

Yes, & I know games better than you Martin. Contuit wasn't a terrible shooter, far from "sucking balls" as you so eloquently put it. It's an original idea, the weapons ARE FUN & GOOD & it does it's best to avoid symmetrical level design like SOME FPS have done (cough Halo...cough)

I'm looking forward to The Condiut 3, I understand the limitations it faced from being on the Wii & with what High Voltage was able to do WITHOUT being a large company like Square OR Epic I commend their development skill. It'll be better on the U.

( Edited 31.07.2012 06:18 by Vorash Kadan )

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422
The Most Interesting Man in the World (guest) 31.07.2012#7

I recommend you get off your high horse, Mr. kadan.

Image for

Very cute "guest", but really now surely you can do better than that Martin_?

If not I'll never have to worry about you being able to prove me wrong in a compident & credible manner.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

Well, I'm happy you enjoyed the game. As for me and probably many other gamers, "It'll be better on the U" just isn't good enough.

I bought the game for €15 and I can't even sell it for €7. Nobody wants it.

Vorash Kadan said:
Yes, & I know games better than you Martin.

That's funny, because when you post you often sound totally clueless. My 13 year old nephew knows more about games than you. For the record, The Most Interesting Man in the World wasn't me.

Sidenote: Give The Most Interesting Man in the World a +1 if you think his name is the best name ever!

I like how every time someone disagrees with Martin a whole bunch of "guests" randomly appear to back him up.

Conduit was a solid attempt from a new company, with a decent story but crippled by glitches. Conduit 2 took the few things the first game did right and did them wrong. It was nice of HV to attempt to bring a bigger world with real bosses and more diverse enemies into the mix, but they also failed at that.

A Conduit 3 could work if HV got their stuff together, especially since most of the crippling glitches the first game had were Nintendo's fault, not High Voltage's, and Nintendo appears to have moved past the online restrictions they imposed early on with the Wii.

Insulting someone because they like a game you don't (or vice versa) is just stupid, and frankly Martin it makes you sound like you ARE your 13-year-old nephew.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

We shouldn't need to bring the age of our extended family into this. Furthermore, the age old "I know more than you" argument is especially pointless over the internet.

As the mantra goes, make arguments based on facts not insults. The debate can continue, but make it based on the game and issue at hand and not the size of your internet ego, please.


justonesp00lturn said:
I like how every time someone disagrees with Martin a whole bunch of "guests" randomly appear to back him up.

This is the first one I've ever noticed. If there was a way to prove it wasn't me, I'd prove it. Those who know me know that I don't need to hide behind an alias to be really horrible to someone.

Well, hopefully we can all at least agree that if High Voltage should make a Wii U sequel to anything, it's Hunter: The Reckoning.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

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