Rare Comments on 3DS Development

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.07.2012 7

Rare Comments on 3DS Development on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The creators of Banjo Kazooie, Perfect Dark and many other franchise favourites was recently quizzed on potential 3DS development.

Despite working full time for Microsoft on various Xbox 360 projects since becoming a first party almost a decade ago, there have been various projects for Nintendo's portables - GBA and DS - including Viva Piñata: Pocket Paradise, Diddy Kong Racing DS and various ports of the Donkey Kong Country series.

The continued work on the Nintendo portable scene has spurred fans to ask Rare whether there are any plans for 3DS titles. The short answer is: none at the moment, but not to rule it out entirely.

No 3DS plans have been announced, and I've heard nothing along those lines, though of course that's not an outright denial as there are bound to be all sorts of things going on at a high management level that most of us know nothing about (and, conversely, things we do hear that are apparently not true at all - those personal hovercrafts are taking far longer than expected). So that's the best you'll get for now. Thanks for the reminder to nick my son's 3DS and have a stab at Kid Icarus though.

What franchises would you like Rare to bring to the 3DS table if the studio start work on Nintendo's latest portable?

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Crazy Frog Racer.

Just...just no Marzy...

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I miss Rare like an old friend who moved away forever. I still think to this day, had they not been snatched up by Microsoft the platform genre would dominate the market and it wouldn't be awash with brown, neutral color shooters that look like they were covered in vasaline. Everybody tried so hard after them to emulate their success and come up with "mascot" characters.
Blinx, Voodoo Vince, Sly, Jak and Daxter, Ty, Ratchet and Clank, Tak, Vexx etc. And while some of those games were excellent, they don't compare to Banjo Kazooie, DK64, and Conker.

Seriously, what platformer do we have to look forward to this year? Sly 4?
Anyone? Anyone?

I hear you loud and clear, Duggler. I miss the old Rare days just as much as you do. It's really a sad story.

However, if Rare is going to make 3DS titles, I don't think they should dig up their old hits. I think they should either make a new franchise altogether or go in a new direction entirely.

Most 90's rare fans like us are very in love with games like Banjo-Kazooie, and if a new game were to come out now, it's just inevitable that we'd find flaws. I don't think anyone out there has much confidence that Rare can create the magic they once did without the Stamper brothers, Grant Kirkhope, OR David Wise.

That being said, I think if they came out with a new game that got on the radar of gamers who perhaps didn't even know Rare--if they can prove to those of us that DO know who they are that they can put out a good game in general--then I might be more open to the idea of robbing a grave as sacred as that of Banjo-Kazooie.

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Rare by name not by nature.

Red XIII said: I think if they came out with a new game that got on the radar of gamers who perhaps didn't even know Rare--if they can prove to those of us that DO know who they are that they can put out a good game in general--then I might be more open to the idea of robbing a grave as sacred as that of Banjo-Kazooie.

Didn't they already both rob the grave and try something new with Banjo: Nuts and Bolts and Viva Pinata? Neither were horrible games from what I heard, but they didn't garner the fan reaction (or the cash) that Microsoft wanted... which is why they have been relegated to making Avatars for X-box live and kinect sports games.

Linkyshinks said: Rare by name not by nature.

Amen. That is exactly the "problem" with the Rare of today. Unless they ever "get the band back together" I just can't get interested, or emotionally invested, in their work.

( Edited 30.07.2012 21:30 by Duggler657 )

Duggler657 said: Didn't they already both rob the grave and try something new with Banjo: Nuts and Bolts and Viva Pinata? Neither were horrible games from what I heard, but they didn't garner the fan reaction (or the cash) that Microsoft wanted... which is why they have been relegated to making Avatars for X-box live and kinect sports games.

I meant "try something new" as in a new IP or franchise altogether. They would need to prove to us that they can make a solid game that isn't related to a franchise we already know and love before they could justify going back to one of said franchises.

Also, Viva Pinata was regarded by many as a success and fresh experience. But I've personally not played it, so I can't say one way or the other. But you are correct that it was not a smash hit.

( Edited 31.07.2012 22:08 by Red XIII )

Like video game music?!
Do a Barrel Roll!<

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