Digital games are a crucial element for Nintendo to embrace, and various studios have praised the company's revamping efforts.
The previous generation struggled to find solid ground with a mixed reception from studios working on download titles for Wii. Despite a strong catalogue of well-received projects, the service was plagued by restrictions and money woes. The 3DS's eShop has addressed these issues, and developers have already praised the potential for Wii U.

Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien is amongst the handful of titles in development, and wouldn't be around if Gaijin Games "didn't have faith that Nintendo is going to fix their digital games store".
So, other than the Wii U being bigger, better, faster, stronger, it's hard for us to speak specifically to what Nintendo has done to make the job easier.
Alex Neuse, Gaijin Games
Amongst the features Nintendo is improving, one of these is connectivity and the functionality MiiVerse will provide - sharing content, scores, challenges etc. The submission process, thresholds for payment and certification issues are amongst the aspects developers hope Nintendo will address.
The 3DS eShop is already so much better in comparison. I'm sure the shop on the Wii U will be a big improvement as well. Nintendo's overall strategy is way more focused on connectivity. This should help overcome the biggest problem of the Wii shop, which is that many Wii consoles are not even connected to the internet.These kinds of social interaction turn games into living spaces, where other human beings can leave their marks and help each other out. I think Nintendo is on the right track, so let's see how their games will use that.
Felix Bohatsch, Broken Rules

Recent developments such as the 3DS eShop and the announcement of full priced titles getting day-one downloads give us confidence Nintendo won't stick to their WiiWare policies.
Collin van Ginkel, Two Tribes
Frozenbyte, who's working on a Director's Cut of the downloadable Trine 2 - was full of praise for Nintendo's capabilities so far and the potential for MiiVerse integration.
We're going in with the expectation that Nintendo will be able to match or even surpass the other platforms this time around. Miiverse seems very intriguing and some of the features are a very good fit for Trine 2: Director's Cut. Our goal is to provide one of the best online multiplayer experiences for Wii U users.
Joel Kinnunen, Frozenbyte
Nintendo appears to be ticking all the boxes when it comes to the download scene with Wii U - various games set for launch plus confident studios who aren't shy to embrace the new platform.