PlayStation All-Stars Director Comments on Smash Bros Similarities

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.07.2012 8

PlayStation All-Stars Director Comments on Smash Bros Similarities on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

When Sony revealed their own franchise brawler many drew comparisons to Nintendo's own. Producer Omar Kendal comments.

PlayStation All Stars does indeed share a fair amount of gameplay mechanics and design from Nintendo's own successful formula, but draws its own merits in other areas. Of course such a strong resemblence has caused backlash from the ever-vocal Super Smash Bros community - with one fan questioning Kendal on what hasn't been mentioned officially until now.

During a Q&A session, Kendal addressed a fan who had just sampled the new game - noting how although Nintendo's iconic series is one of the project's inpirations, the team aren't trying to replicate the Smash Bros setup to a tee.

PlayStation All Stars is its own game. I think that’s really the only way I can answer that. I understand that Smash players - some Smash players, not all Smash players do this - will sort of base how successful PlayStation All Stars as a game is on how accurately it recreates the Smash Bros. experience. But that’s not really our goal.

Our goal is to create a unique combat experience for PlayStation All Stars that we fully admit borrows from many different kinds of games including Smash, but our goal is not solely replicate the Smash Bros. experience. I just really would ask that players like you, approach it with an open mind.

What do you think about PlayStation All Stars - will you be brawling with Sony's roster?

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The thing that's a bit hard to understand is why it has taken so long for a tribute to Smash Bros. That game came out over a decade ago and was a huge succes. You'd think there would be mulitple versions on different consoles by different developers with all kinds of variations and improvements on the idea. I might not have been looking in the right places though.

I dislike the thought behind that question in the news article. At least what I assume it to be, negativity towards copying ideas. Somehow I think this question wouldn't have come up in the 80's, although Nintendo apparently did sue the people behind The Great Giana Sisters for making a great game that played like Mario. Afraid as they were Mario Bros would only sell 20 million copies.

( Edited 20.02.2013 08:53 by Guest )

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!

Wii console = Success, Sony saw it and then there was PS Move.

Smash Bros = Success, Sony saw it and then there was PS All Stars.

( Edited 20.02.2013 08:53 by Guest )

thenaked gun (guest) 11.07.2012#3

Nintendo are free R&D for Sony!

Sony you are just good at copying!

Shame Shame Shame!

( Edited 20.02.2013 08:53 by Guest )

I see nothing wrong with copying ideas that work, that's business! People will always remember where the innovations & original ideas are coming from. Nintendo will always get the recognition they deserve for creating great games.

Like they say, "to copy is the most sincere form of flattery". It forces Nintendo to innovate further too!

( Edited 20.02.2013 08:53 by Guest )

thenaked gun (guest) said:
Nintendo are free R&D for Sony!

And doesn't Sony provide free marketing lessons for Nintendo then? They sure seemed to know how to sell their consoles in comparison to Nintendo from 1995 onwards.

Copying is healthy. Think of where we would be now in the fashion, music and software industry if you can't take technology and use it for your own (commercial) creativity.

You are not alone. I am here with you. Though we're far're always in my heart. Love u!
Kenai (guest) 11.07.2012#6

^God, the ps2 sold well, but since then, sony has not been marketing well. In terms of sales: ds>psp, wii>ps3, and 3ds>psvita. I don't think nintendo is getting any marketing lessons from sony.

Truth (guest) 13.07.2012#7

The Great Video Game Crash of 1983

That is all.

gg (guest) 13.07.2012#8

This new game doesn't have that same crunch you get in Smash Bros, it does feel like a normal fighter that's been shoved in the brawl scope. Maybe it's the sound effects, maybe it's the physics I'm not sure.

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