Team Ninja Will Consider Dead or Alive 5 for Wii U

By Az Elias 30.06.2012 3

Team Ninja Will Consider Dead or Alive 5 for Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In an interview with Siliconera, Yohei Shimbori, director of Dead or Alive 5, spoke about the upcoming fighter to be released on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 this September.

The first and only game in the series to appear on a Nintendo platform came last year with Dead or Alive Dimensions, but this could mark the first time a numbered entry comes to a Nintendo home console.

When questioned on whether DOA5 would come to Wii U, Shimbori had this to say:

Right now, we’re doing our best to get the game ready for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. After players get their hands on Dead or Alive 5 we want to hear what they think and based on that we’ll see if we should make a Wii U version.

With Team Ninja also bringing an updated version of Ninja Gaiden 3 to Wii U, it might not be out of the question for the latest Dead or Alive to see release on the console at some point, too.

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After how Team Ninja teased us with the Metroid stage & Samus ONLY appearing to swap character sides they'd BETTER release thia game for U. Virtua Fighters are making guest appearances & with projectiles now usable for some characters Samus is a shoe-in for Nintendo's bonus. I just hope we get some Prime costumes to use, the Phazon Suite is by FAR my favourite design to date!!

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Shimbori said:
Right now, we’re doing our best to get the game ready for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. After players get their hands on Dead or Alive 5 we want to hear what they think and based on that we’ll see if we should make a Wii U version.

Basically once the game sold well to anyone who wanted it on PS3 and 360, they won't do it on Wii U... So the game needs to bomb for them to make an updated Wii U version, basically...

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I hope that's not the case, pretty depressing & backwards minded if you ask me. If anything it'd cause them not to port it to U if they already lost so many sales on ps360.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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